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*Narau/as), a Numidian chief, who bears a conspicuous part in the war of the Carthaginians against their revolted mercenaries and African subjects. He at first espoused the cause of the rebels, and joined the army of Spendius with a considerable force, but was afterwards induced to go over to the Carthaginians. The latter change, which took place at so critical a period that it was probably the means of saving the whole army of Hamilcar Barca from destruction, is ascribed to the influence exercised over the mind of Naravas by the personal character of that general, who received him with open arms and promised him his daughter in marriage. Throughout the remainder of the war Naravas was distinguished for his zeal and fidelity in the Carthaginian cause, and contributed essentially to the ultimate success of Hamilcar. (Plb. 1.78, 82, 84, 86.) Naravas is the Greek form of the name, which is not mentioned by any Latin writer: the more correct form would probably be Narbal, or rather, Naarbaal. 19.) (Gesenius, Ling. Phoen. Mon. p. 410.)


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