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[790] This subject, however, I now leave behind. Ah me, I groan at what a deed I must do next. I shall kill my children: there is no one who can rescue them. [795] When I have utterly confounded the whole house of Jason, I shall leave the land, in flight from the murder of my own dear sons, having committed a most unholy deed. The laughter of one's enemies is unendurable, my friends. Let that be as it will. What do I gain by living? I have no fatherland, no house and no means to turn aside misfortune. [800] My mistake was when I left my father's house, persuaded by the words of a Greek. This man—a god being my helper—will pay the price of his deeds to me. He shall never from this day see his children by me alive, nor will he beget children [805] by his new bride since that wretch must die a wretched death by my poisons. Let no one think me weak, contemptible, untroublesome. No, quite the opposite, hurtful to foes, to friends kindly. [810] Such persons live a life of greatest glory.

Since you have shared this plan with me, and since I wish to help you and uphold the laws of society, I urge you not to do this deed.

It cannot be otherwise. I excuse you for speaking [815] thus since you have not suffered as I have.

Yet will you bring yourself to kill your own offspring, woman?

It is the way to hurt my husband most.

And for yourself to become the most wretched of women.

Be that as it may. Till then all talk is superfluous. To the Nurse [820] But you, go and fetch Jason (for I use your service on all errands of trust). Tell him nothing of my intentions, if you are loyal to your mistress and a woman.Exit Nurse by Eisodos B, Medea into the house.

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