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Leader of the Second Semi-Chorus
Look well at us, and you will see that we have all the character and habits of the wasp. Firstly, if roused, no beings are more irascible, [1105] more relentless than we are. In all other things, too, we act like wasps. We collect in swarms, in a kind of nests, and some go judging with the Archon, some with the Eleven, others at the Odeon; there are yet others, who hardly move at all, like the grubs in the cells, [1110] but remain glued to the walls, and bent double to the ground. We also pay full attention to the discovery of all sorts of means of existing and sting the first who comes, so as to live at his expense. Finally, we have among us drones, [1115] who have no sting and who, without giving themselves the least trouble, seize on our revenues as they flow past them and devour them. It's this that grieves us most of all, to see men who have never served or held either lance or oar in defence of their country, enriching themselves at our expense without ever raising a blister on their hands. [1120] In short, I give it as my deliberate opinion that in future every citizen not possessed of a sting shall not receive the triobolus.

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