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Leader of the Chorus
[310] Popopopopopo. Where is he who called me? Where am I to find him?

I have been waiting for you a long while! I never fail in my word to my friends.

Leader of the Chorus
Tititititititi. What good news [315] have you for me?

Something that concerns our common safety, and that is just as pleasant as it is to the point. Two men, who are subtle reasoners, have come here to seek me.

Leader of the Chorus
Where? How? What are you saying?

[320] I say, two old men have come from the abode of humans to propose a vast and splendid scheme to us.

Leader of the Chorus
Oh! it's a horrible, unheard-of crime! What are you saying?

Never let my words scare you.

Leader of the Chorus
What have you done to me?

I have welcomed two men, who wish to live with us.

Leader of the Chorus
[325] And you have dared to do that!

Yes, and I am delighted at having done so.

Leader of the Chorus
And are they already with us?

Just as much as I am.

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