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“But when the wolves and the white crows shall dwell together between Corinth and Sicyon ...”

But how do the Corinthians concern me?

[970] It is the regions of the air that Bacis indicates in this manner.

“They must first sacrifice a white-fleeced goat to Pandora, and give the prophet who first reveals my words a good cloak and new sandals.”

Does it say sandals there?

Look at the book.

[975] “And besides this a goblet of wine and a good share of the entrails of the victim.”

Of the entrails —does it say that?

Look at the book.

“If you do as I command, divine youth, you shall be an eagle among the clouds; if not, you shall be neither turtle-dove, nor eagle, nor woodpecker.”

[980] Does it say all that?

Look at the book.

This oracle in no sort of way resembles the one Apollo dictated to me:

“If an impostor comes without invitation to annoy you during the sacrifice and to demand a share of the victim, [985] apply a stout stick to his ribs.”

You are drivelling.

Look at the book.

“And don't spare him, were he an eagle from out of the clouds, were it Lampon himself or the great Diopithes.”

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