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[533c] or Thamyras,1 or Orpheus,2 or Phemius,3 the rhapsode of Ithaca, but is at a loss and has no remark to offer on the successes or failures in rhapsody of Ion of Ephesus.

I cannot gainsay you on that, Socrates: but of one thing I am conscious in myself—that I excel all men in speaking on Homer and have plenty to say, and everyone else says that I do it well; but on the others I am not a good speaker. Yet now, observe what that means.

I do observe it, Ion, and I am going to point out to you

1 A Thracian Bard.

2 A Thracian Bard.

3 The minstrel who was forced to sing to the suitors of Penelope (Od 1. 154, 22. 330).

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