He perished with his brother and son, 1 in the fifty-seventh year of his age,2 and verified the prediction of those who, from the omen which happened to him at Vienne, as before related,3 foretold that he would be made prisoner by some man of Gaul. For he was seized by Antoninus Primus, a general of the adverse party, who was born at Toulouse, and, when a boy, had the cognomon of Becco,4 which signifies a cock's beak.
1 Lucius and Germanicus, the brother and son of Vitellius, were slain near Terracina; the former was marching to his brother's relief.
2 A.U.C. 822
3 C. ix
4 Becco, from whence the French bee, and English beak; with, probably, the family names of Bec or Bek. This distinguished provincial, under his Latin name of Antoninus Primus, commanded the seventh legion in Gaul. His character is well drawn by Tacitus, in his usual terse style, Hist. XI. 86. 2.
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