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less: “less in,” inferior in point of R2 II. iii. 15, R3 IV. iv. 300, Ant. V. ii. 363; “nothing less than,” (1) the same thing as 1H6 II. v. 100 “my father's execution Was nothing less than bloody tyranny” ; (2) anything but R2 II. ii. 34 “'Tis nothing but conceit, my gracious lady.—'Tis nothing less.” ∥ Used peculiarly by S. with words expressing or implying a negative, where the sense requires ‘more’ Wint. III. ii. 57, Cor. I. iv. 14, Cym. I. iv. 24; similarly lesser in Troil. I. i. 30.
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (6):
    • William Shakespeare, Anthony and Cleopatra, 5.2
    • William Shakespeare, Coriolanus, 1.4
    • William Shakespeare, Cymbeline, 1.4
    • William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry VI, 2.5
    • William Shakespeare, Richard II, 2.2
    • William Shakespeare, Richard II, 2.3
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