Feather, 1) the plume of birds: Ven. 56. Sonn. 78, 7; cf. H5 I, 2, 307 and Caes. I, 1, 77. Tp. I, 2, 322. Meas. IV, 2, 31. Err. III, 1, 79. Err. III, 1, 79 Err. III, 1, 79 Shr. IV, 3, 178. Wint. II, 3, 154; cf. H6B IV, 8, 57 and H6C III, 1, 84. H4B II, 4, 108. IV, 5, 32. H5 IV, 1, 213. H6B III, 1, 75. Rom. I, 1, 186. Tim. II, 1, 30. Hml. II, 2, 306 (moult no f.). Lr. IV, 6, 49. V, 3, 265. Ant. III, 2, 48. Per. IV Prol. 33. “he starts at stirring of a f.” Ven. 302. “every f. starts you,” All's V, 3, 232. “the best f. of our wing,” Cymb. I, 6, 186. Worn as an ornament in caps and hats: Shr. III, 2, 71. All's IV, 5, 111. H5 IV, 3, 112. H8 I, 3, 25. Hml. III, 2, 286. Plur. --s == wings: “with thought's --s,” Lucr. 1216. “set --s to thy heels,” John IV, 2, 174. “to soar with his light --s,” Rom. I, 4, 20.
2) kind of birds, kind in general: “check at every f.” Tw. III, 1, 71. “of their f. many moe proud birds,” H6C II, 1, 170. “birds of selfsame f.” III, 3, 161. “what plume of --s is he that indited this letter?” LLL IV, 1, 96. “I am not of that f. to shake off my friend,” Tim. I, 1, 100.