Proceeding, subst. 1) doing, action, course taken: “his --s teach thee,” Ven. 406. “like the --s of a drunken brain,” Ven. 406 “I'll cross Thurio's dull p.” Gent. II, 6, 41. “and here an engine fit for my p.” III, 1, 138. “determine our --s,” III, 2, 97. “to these violent --s all my neighbours shall cry aim,” Wiv. III, 2, 44. “the straitness of his p.” Meas. III, 2, 270. “unpregnant and dull to all --s,” IV, 4, 24. Merch. IV, 1, 358. All's II, 4, 50. Wint. II, 1, 179. John II, 214. III, 1, 97. IV, 1, 114. IV, 2, 133. V, 2, 11. H4A II, 3, 34. IV, 1, 65. H4B IV, 2, 110. V, 5, 103. H6C IV, 2, 11. R3 III, 5, 66. IV, 4, 403. H8 I, 2, 108. II, 4, 18. III, 2, 26. Troil. V, 7, 7. Cor. II, 2, 163. Tit. V, 3, 8. Caes. II, 2, 103. Hml. V, 1, 322. Lr. I, 4, 233. V, 1, 32. Oth. I, 3, 65. Oth. I, 3, 65 Per. IV, 3, 25.
2) process, course: “what plain p. is more plain than this?” H6B II, 2, 53. “I have an interest in your hate's p.” Rom. III, 1, 193.