Oak, the tree Quercus: Lucr. 950. Pilgr. 60 and LLL IV, 2, 112. Tp. I, 2, 294. Wiv. IV, 4, 31. Wiv. IV, 4, 31 Wiv. IV, 4, 31 IV, 6, 19. V, 3, 15. V, 3, 15 V, 5, 79. Meas. II, 2, 116. Ado II, 1, 247. Mids. I, 2, 113. As II, 1, 31. IV, 3, 105. H6C II, 1, 55. Troil. I, 3, 50. Cor. I, 1, 185. V, 2, 117. Tim. IV, 3, 264. Tim. IV, 3, 264 Caes. I, 3, 6. Oth. II, 1, 8. Cymb. IV, 2, 267. “rotten as ever o. or stone was sound,” Wint. II, 3, 90. “to seel her father's eyes up close as o.” Oth. III, 3, 210 (so as absolutely to hinder sight). “his brows bound with o.” Cor. I, 3, 16. “brow-bound with the o.” II, 2, 102 (a garland given in ancient Rome to one who had saved the life of a citizen; but according to our poet, bestowed for any deed of bravery). Sacred to Jove: Tp. V, 45.