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κύριος [υ_], α, ον, also ος, ον A.Supp.732, E.Heracl.143, Arist.Pol. 1306b20:—Thess. κῦρρος IG9(2).517.20 (Larissa, iii B.C.): (κῦρος) (not in Hom.):
I. of persons, having power or authority over, c. gen., “Ζεὺς πάντων κ.Pi.I.5(4).53, cf. P.2.58; “ἐμῶν τε καὶ σῶν κ. πιστωμάτωνA.Ag.878; πρὶν ἄν σε κ. στήσω τέκνων put thee in possession of . . , S.OC1041; “κύριοι πολιτείαςAntipho 3.1.1; “κ. καταλύσεωςTh.4.20; “εἰρήνης καὶ πολέμουX.HG2.2.18; -“ώτατοι τοῦ ἱεροῦTh.5.53 (but -ώτατος θεὸς τοῦ ἱεροῦ, of the god to whom a temple is dedicated, OGI90.39 (Rosetta, ii B.C.)); “τῶν αὑτοὺ κ.Pl.Lg.929d, cf. Isoc. 19.34, etc.; θανάτου κ. τινός with power of life and death over, Pl. Criti.120d; “κ. περί τινοςArist.Pol.1286a24.
3. folld. by a dependent clause, “κ. γενέσθαι, ὅντινα δεῖ καταστήσασθαιIs.6.4.
5. abs., having authority, supreme, τί τῶνδε κυριωτέρους μένεις; A.Supp.965; -“ώτερος σέθενE.Ba.505; πατὴρ μέχρι τούτου κ. [ἐστι] Arist.Rh.1402a1; τὸ κ. the sovereign power in a state, Id.Pol.1281a11, cf. Pl.R.565a, etc.; τὰ κ. the supreme authorities, D.19.259, Arist.Rh.1365b27; “τὰ τῆσδε τῆς γῆς κ.S.OC915; at Athens, κ. ἐκκλησία a sovereign or principal assembly, Ar.Ach.19, Arist.Ath.43.4, IG12.42.22, al., 22.493.8, etc.; ἀγορὰ κ. ib.1298.7.
II. of things, τῆς ὥρας τῆς καταρχῆς κ. [ἀστήρ] Serapio in Cat.Cod.Astr.1.99: but usu. abs., authoritative, decisive, “δίκαιE.Heracl.l.c., And.1.88, Pl.Cri.50b; μῦθος -ώτερος of more authority, E.IA318 (troch.); -ωτάτη τῶν ἐπιστημῶν [ἡ πολιτική] Arist.Pol.1282b15; “αἱ -ώτεραι ἀρχαίId.Cael.285a26, cf. Metaph.997a12; [“ φρόνησις] τῆς σοφίας κυριωτέραId.EN1143b34; -ωτέρα καθόλου [ἀπόδειξις] Id.APo.86a23; “τάραχος -ώτατοςEpicur.Ep.1p.30U.; of sovereign remedies, -“ωτάτη τῶν καθάρσεωνPl.Sph.230d; -“ωτάτη κένωσιςGal.1.299; important, principal, κ. δόξαι, of certain doctrines of Epicurus, Phld.Ir.p.86 W.; “τὰ -ώτατα μέρη τῆς φύσεωςEpicur.Sent.9; -“ώτερα μέρη τοῦ σώματοςPhilostr.Gym.50; τὰ -ώτατα the principal organs, Gal.1.385 (but, the most important matters, Epicur.Sent.16); “τὸ -ώτατον τῆς ἘφέσουPhilostr.VS1.22.4: Gramm., κ. τόνος principal accent, D.T.Supp. 674.32.
3. of times, etc., ordained, appointed, “ κυρίη ἡμέρηHdt.5.50, cf. 93 (pl.); “ κ. τῶν ἡμερέωνId.1.48, 6.129; “κ. ἐν ἡμέρᾳA.Supp.732; “τόδε κ. ἦμαρE.Alc.105 (lyr.), etc.; κ. μήν, of a woman with child, i.e. the ninth month, Pi.O.6.32; ὅταν τὸ κ. μόλῃ φάος (prob.) the appointed time, A.Ag.766 (lyr.); “κ. μένει τέλοςId.Eu.544 (lyr.); κ. [ἡμέρα] D.21.84, cf. Test.ib.93; but αἱ κ. [ἡμεραι], = κριτικαί, Hp.Aff.9.
4. legitimate, lawful, “ὕπνος πόνος τε, κ. ξυνωμόταιA.Eu.127, cf. 327; κύρι᾽ ἔχοντες having lawful power, ib. 960 (lyr.).
5. κ. ἀρετή goodness proper, real goodness, Arist.EN 1144b4; [“φλοιὸς] κ.Thphr.HP4.15.1; Rhet. and Gramm., κ. ὄνομα the real or actual, hence current, ordinary, name of a thing, opp. μεταφορά, γλῶττα, Arist.Rh.1404b6, 1410b12, Po.1457b3, cf. D.H. Comp.21, D.L.10.13, etc.; σπάνει κυρίου ὀνόματος for lack of a current term, D.H.Comp.24; -ώτατα ὀνόματα most ordinary terms, ib.3 (hence also κ. ὄνομα proper, personal name, Plb.6.46.10, A.D.Pron. 10.11, al., Hdn.7.5.8; ὄνομα alone in this sense, Diog.Bab.Stoic.3.213); κ. [λέξεις] Phld.Rh.1.181 S.; κατὰ τὸν κ. τρόπον, opp. καταχρωμένη, ib.1.59 S.
III. Adv. κυρίως, v. sub voc.
B. Subst. κύριος , , lord, master, “τοῖσι κ. δωμάτωνA.Ch.658, cf. 689, S.Aj.734, etc.; κ. alone, head of a family, master of a house (cf. Sch.Ar.Eq.965), Antipho 2.4.7, Ar.Pl.6, Arist.Pol.1269b10; “τοὺς κ. τῶν οἰκιῶνPTeb.5.147 (ii B.C.); also, guardian of a woman, Is.6.32, PGrenf.2.15 i 13 (ii B.C.), etc.: generally, guardian, trustee, Is. 2.10, D.43.15, 46.19, Men.Epit.89, etc.
b. later κύριε, as a form of respectful address, sir, Ev.Jo.12.21, 20.15, Act.Ap.16.30 (pl.), PFay. 106.15 (ii A.D.), etc.
2. fem. κυρία, , mistress, lady of the house, Philem.223, LXXIs.24.2, etc.; “κ. τῆς οἰκίαςMen.403: in voc., madam, D.C.48.44; applied to women from fourteen years upwards, Epict. Ench.40. (In later Gr. freq. written κύρα , PGrenf.1.61.4 (vi A.D.), etc.)
b. epith. of Ἶσις, OGI180 (Egypt, i B.C.), etc.
3. of gods, esp. in the East, “Σεκνεβτῦνις κ. θεόςPTeb.284.6 (i B.C.); “Κρόνος κ.CIG4521 (Abila, i A.D.); “Ζεὺς κ.Supp.Epigr.2.830 (Damascus, iii A.D.); “κ. ΣάραπιςPOxy.110.2 (ii A.D); “ κ. ἌρτεμιςIG 4.1124 (Tibur, ii A.D.); of deified rulers, “τοῦ κ. βασιλέος θεοῦOGI86.8 (Egypt, i B.C.); οἱ κ. θεοὶ μέγιστοι, of Ptolemy XIV and Cleopatra, Berl.Sitzb.1902.1096: hence, of rulers in general, “βασιλεὺς Ἡρώδης κ.OGI415 (Judaea, i B.C.); of Roman Emperors, BGU1200.11 (Augustus), POxy.37 i 6 (Claudius), etc.
4. Κύριος, = Hebr. Yahweh, LXX Ge.11.5, al.; of Christ, 1 Ep.Cor.12.3, etc.
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