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μελλό-νυμφος , ον,
A.about to be betrothed or wedded, esp. of females, S.Ant.633, D.C.58.7, Epigr.Gr. 364.3 (Cotiaeum); rarely of the male, Phryn.Com.78 (prob. for -νύμφιος), Lyc.174: in S.Tr.207 (lyr.), ἀνολολυξάτω -ύξετε codd.) δόμοις . . μελλόνυμφος, we shd. read either δόμος . . μ. the maidens of the household or δόμοις . . (sc. κλαγγά) the shout of the maidens.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (3):
    • Sophocles, Antigone, 633
    • Sophocles, Trachiniae, 207
    • Cassius Dio, Historia Romana, 58.7
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