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ὁλό-σχοινος , ,, Scirpus Holoschoenus, Thphr.HP4.12.1,9.12.1, Dsc.4.52 : used in wicker-work, sts., like flax. soaked for use (βεβρεγμένος), sts. without soaking (ἄβροχος), Ael.NA12.43 : hence prov., ἀπορράπτειν τὸ Φιλίππου στόμα ὁλοσχοίνῳ ἀβρόχῳ stop Philip's mouth with an unsoaked rush (for rushes were soaked to make them tough), i.e. without any trouble, Aeschin.2.21 ; so “ἀποφράξαι ὁλοσχοίνῳ στόμαAP10.49 (Pall.).
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (2):
    • Aeschines, On the Embassy, 21
    • Aelian, De Natura Animalium, 12.43
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