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objecto , āvi, ātum, 1, v. freq. a. id., throw before or against, to set against, oppose.
I. Lit. (poet.): “(pelagi volucres) Nunc caput objectare fretis, nunc currere in undas,” i. e. to dive down, Verg. G. 1, 386: “huc illuc clipeum objectans,opposing, presenting, Stat. Th. 2, 662: “ingerit objectans trepidantibus ora leonis,Sil. 2, 194.—
II. Trop.
A. In gen.
2. To throw in the way, interpose, cause: “moras,Ov. Hal. 91.—
B. In partic.
1. To throw out, charge, object, to reproach or upbraid with, to accuse of any thing as a crime (so most freq., but whether used by Cic. is doubtful): “objectare alicui inopiam,Plaut. Trin. 3, 2, 28: “rus mihi tu objectas?id. Most. 1, 1, 16: “probrum alicui,Cic. Dom. 29; Sall. J. 85, 14; Tac. H. 2, 30: cum in colloquiis Pompeiani famem nostris objectarent, * Caes. B. C. 3, 48: “vecordiam,Sall. J. 94, 4: “veneficia in principem et devotiones,Tac. A. 4, 52: “spoliatas et inopes legiones Trebellio,id. H. 1, 60: “natum (i. e. filii mortem),Ov. M. 2, 400.—With object-clause: “mihi objectent lenocinium facere,Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 76: “nobilitas objectare Fabio fugisse eum Appium Claudium collegam,Liv. 10, 15, 12. —*
2. To throw out, let fall, say any thing (disagreeable) to any one: “cave tu illi objectes nunc in aegritudine, Te has emisse,Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 123.
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