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ἑβδόμᾳ καὶ σὺν δεκάτᾳ: As this is not equivalent to σὺν ἑβδόμᾳ καὶ σὺν δεκάτᾳ, P. 1.14 is not a parallel. Cf. O. 13.58: γένει φίλῳ σὺν Ἀτρέος. It is idle to count these seventeen generations.

Θήραιον: “Uttered in Thera,” the ἁλίπλακτος γᾶ of v. 14.

ζαμενής: Animosa. Others think of non sine dis animosa, and consider Medea “inspired.” It is simply “bold,” “brave,” “highspirited,” as suits such a heroine. There is no such curious adaptation of epithet to circumstance as we find in the hivework of Horace (“apis Matinae | more modoque”).

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