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Sabine cross-roads, battle of.

The Confederates made a stand at Sabine Cross-roads, La., during the Red River expedition under General Banks, in 1864. Franklin's troops moved forward, with General Lee's cavalry in the van, followed by two thin divisions under General Ransom. General Emory followed Ransom. Among his troops was a brigade of colored soldiers. Lee was ordered to attack the Confederates wherever he should find them, but not to bring on a general engagement. Franklin advanced to Pleasant Hill (q. v.), where Banks joined him. Near Sabine Cross-roads, Lee found the trans-Mississippi army, fully 20,000 strong, under several Confederate leaders. Waiting for the main army to come up, Lee and Ransom were attacked (April 8), by the Confederates. At a little past noon, General Banks arrived at the front, and found the skirmishers hotly engaged. Orders were sent to Franklin to hurry forward, but he did not arrive in time to give needed assistance, for at 4 P. M. 8,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry had fallen upon the Nationals along their whole line, and drove them back. Franklin, with a division under General Cameron, arrived at five o'clock, but the overwhelming number of the Confederates turned the National flank and struck their centre [2] heavily. This assault, like the first, was stubbornly resisted, but, finding the Confederates gaining their rear, the Nationals fell back, and were received by General Emory, who was advancing. Ransom lost ten guns and 1,000 men captured, and Lee 156 wagons filled with supplies.

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Sabine Pass (Texas, United States) (1)
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Cross Roads (Louisiana, United States) (1)

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William F. Emory (2)
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