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2 ذبّب عَنْهُ ذ He repelled from him, or defended him, much, or often. (S.) ― -b2- ذبّب الذُّبَابَ: see 1. -A2- ذَبَّبَتْ شَفَتُهُ: see 1. -A3- [ذَبَّبَ, inf. n. تَذْبِيبٌ, also signifies It left a ذُبَابَة, i. e. somewhat remaining. Hence,] ذبّب النَّهَارُ (S, A, TA,) or ↓ ذَبَّ , (so in the K, but corrected in the TA,) (tropical:) The day passed so as to leave thereof only a ذُبَابَة; (A, TA; *) i. e. (TA) the day had only a [small] remainder of it left. (S, K, TA.) And طَعْنٌ وَرَمْىٌ غَيْرُ تَذْبِيبٍ (tropical:) A thrusting, or piercing, and a shooting, or casting, with energy [so as not to leave any force unexerted]. (S, * A, TA.) ― -b2- [Also It left not a ذُبَابَة, i.e. anything remaining: thus bearing two contr. significations. Hence,] ذبّب فِى السَّيْرِ (tropical:) He strove, laboured, toiled, or exerted himself, in going, or journeying, so that he left not a ذُبَابَة [or any part of his journey remaining unaccomplished]: (A, TA:) [or] ذبّب signifies (assumed tropical:) he hastened, made haste, or sped; syn. أَسْرَعَ: (M:) [and, accord. to Et-Tebreezee, this is the primary signification: for he says,] التَّذْبِيبٌ is like الطِّرَادُ [app. as meaning (assumed tropical:) the act of charging, by a horse or a horseman]: but the primary meaning is الإِِسْرَاعُ. (Ham p. 207.) And ذَبَّبْنَا لَيْلَتَنَا, (S, K,) inf. n. تَذْبِيبٌ, (K,) (assumed tropical:) Our beasts became fatigued, or jaded, by journeying [during that our night]. (S, K.)

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