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ذِمَارٌ ذ Whatever one is obliged, or bound, to preserve and guard and defend or protect, (T, M, K, *) and for the loss or neglect of which one must be blamed: (T:) things that are sacred, or inviolable; a man's family, and property (حَوْزَة), and servants or dependents, and relations: (AA, T:) as also ↓ ذَمَارٌ : (TA:) things for which, if he did not defend or protect them, a man would be blamed, and severely reproved: (A:) or what is behind a man, [as a burden upon him,] of those things which it is his duty to defend or protect; for they say حَامِىالذِّمَارِ, [see below,] like as they say حَامِى الحَقِيقَةِ; and those things are termed ذمار because anger (تَذَمُّرٌ) on their account is incumbent on him to whom they pertain; and they are termed حقيقة because it is the duty of him to whom they pertain to defend them. (S.) حَامِىالذِّمَارِ signifies The defender, or protector, of those things for which a man is to be blamed, and severely reproved, if he do not defend or protect them: (A:) [or of those things which he is bound to preserve and guard and defend, &c.: see above:] or one who, when he is incited, or instigated, and angry, defends, or protects. (S.) One says also, فُلَانٌ أَمْنَعُ ذِمَارًا مِنْ فُلَانٍ [app., Such a one is a greater defender of those things which it is his duty to defend than such a one]. (S.) ― -b2- يَوْمُ الذِّمَارِ The day of war: or of perdition: or of anger. (Et-Towsheeh.)

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