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ذَعُورٌ ذ : see مَذْعُورٌ. ― -b2- Also, [without ة,] A woman who becomes frightened at a thing that induces suspicion, or evil opinion, (S, A, Msb, K,) and at foul language. (K, TA: or, accord. to the CK and a MS. copy of the K, “ foul language ” is a distinct signification of the word.) A poet says, “ تَنُولَ بِمَعْرُفِ الحَدِيثِ وَ إِِنْ تُرِدْ
سِوَى ذَاكَ تُذْعَرْ مِنْكَ وَهْىَ ذَعُورُ
” [She will give thee kind discourse; but if thou desire other than that, she will be frightened at thee; for she is one who is frightened at a thing inducing suspicion &c.]. (TA.) ― -b3- Also A she-camel which, when her udder is touched, takes fright, and will not yield her milk. (So accord. to two copies of the S. [Expl. by إِِذَا مُسَّ ضَرعُهَاغَارَّتْ; and so in some copies of the K and accord. to the TA: in a copy of the A, عَارَتْ, which has a similar meaning: in some 'copies of the K, غَارَتْ, without teshdeed, i. e., is jealous.])

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