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ذَبٌّ ذ Repelling: fem. with ة: hence ذَبَّاتُ السَّبِيبِ, a phrase used by Dhu-r-Rummeh, meaning repelling with their tails: or this may be from the signification next following. (Ham p. 510.) -A2- Much in motion. (Ham ubi suprà.) ذَبٌّ, (M, L,) or ↓ ذَابٌّ , (K,) [the former correct, and perhaps the latter also,] applied to a camel, That does not, or will not, remain still, or motionless, in a place. (M, L, K.) A poet says, “ فَكَأَنَّنَا فِيهِمْ جِمَالٌ ذَبَّةٌ
” [And it was as though we were, among them, camels that would not remain still in a place]: which shows that ذَبٌّ is not an inf. n. used as an epithet; for, were it so, he had said جِمَالٌ ذَبٌّ. (M, L.) ― -b2- الذَّبُّ (tropical:) The wild bull; [a species of bovine antelope;] also called ذَبُّ الرِّيَادِ; (T, S, M, K;) so called because he goes to and fro, not remaining in one place; (M;) or because he pastures going to and fro; (T, S, * M;) or because his females pasture with him, going to and fro: (T:) and called also ↓ الأَذَبُّ , (T, K,) by poetic license, for الذَّبُّ; (T;) and ↓ الذُّنْبُبُ . (K.) ― -b3- ذَبُّ الرِّيَادِ is also applied to (tropical:) A man who goes and comes. (Kr, M, TA.) And (tropical:) A man who is in the habit of visiting women. (AA, T, K.)

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