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ذَرًى ذ , also written ذَرًا, (or, accord. to some copies of the S, ↓ ذُرًى ,) A thing [such as dust &c.] that the wind has raised, or made to fly, and carried away: (S:) or it signifies what one has winnowed; (M;) or مَا تَذْرُوهُ [what thou winnowest, as is indicated by the context of this explanation]; like as نَفَضٌ signifies مَاتَنْفُضُهُ. (T.) ― -b2- And ذَرًى or ↓ ذُرًى (accord. to different copies of the S) Tears poured forth: (S:) or so ↓ ذَرِىٌّ [or دَمْعٌ ذَرِىٌّ]. (M, TA.) -A2- Also A shelter; (M, TA;) anything by which one is protected, or sheltered: (S, Msb:) a shelter from the cold wind, consisting of a wall, or of trees: and particularly a shelter that is made for camels such as are termed شَوْل, by pulling up trees of the kind called عَرْفَج &c. and placing them one upon another in the direction whence blows the north, or northerly, wind, in the camel's nightly resting-place. (T.) [Hence,] one says, فُلَانٌ فِى ذَرَى فُلَانٍ Such a one is in the protection of such a one. (T.) And أَنَا فِى ظِلِّ فُلَانٌ وَفِى ذَرَاهُ I am in the protection of such a one, and in his shelter. (S.) And [hence, perhaps,] إِِنَّ فُلَانًا لَكَرِيمُ الذَّرَى (assumed tropical:) Verily such a one is generous in disposition. (AZ, T.) ― -b2- Also The court, or yard, (فِنَآء,) of a house. (Har pp. 56 and 442.) -A3- see also ذَرْوٌ, in two places.

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