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6 تَذَاْوَقَ see 1, first sentence. [The primary signification of تَذَاوُقٌ seems to be The tasting a thing one with another. ― -b2- And hence,] تذاوقوا الرِّمَاحَ i. q. تَنَاوَلُوهَا (tropical:) [They took the spears, one from another, app. to test their qualities: see ذَاقَ القَوْسَ, above]. (K, TA.) Ibn-Mukbil says, “ أَوْ كَا@هْتِزَازِ رُدَيْنِىٍّ تَذَاوَقَهُ
أَيْدِى التِجَارِ فَزَادُوا مَتْنَهُ لِينَا
” (tropical:) [Or like the quivering of a well-straightened spear (lit. a spear of Rudeyneh, a woman famous for the straightening of spear-shafts, accord. to the explanation commonly received,) which the hands of the dealers have taken, one from another, to test its quality, so that they have made the middle of it to increase in suppleness]. (TA.)

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