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2 ذيّر ذ , (K,) inf. n. تَذْيِيرٌ, (S,) He smeared a she-camel's teats with ذِيَار, (S, K,) in order that the young one might not suck her. (S.) ― -b2- And ذيّر النَّاقَةَ He bound the she-camel's udder with a صِرَار [q. v.], in order that the pieces of wood bound upon her udder to prevent her young one from sucking her might not make any impression upon her. (K, * TA.) [But see ذِيَارٌ, which indicates that the true meaning is, He smeared the she-camel's teats with ذِيَار in order that the pieces of wood above mentioned might not make any impression upon them.] ― -b3- ذُيِّرَ فُوهُ, inf. n. تَذْيِيرٌ, His (a man's, S) teeth became black. (Lth, S, K.)

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