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شِدَّةٌ ذ inf. n. of ↓ شَدَّ (L, Msb) as syn. with اِشْتَدَّ: (L:) [and] a subst. from [i. e. syn. with] اِشْتِدَادٌ: (K:) The attribute denoted by the epithet شَدِيدٌ: (S:) hardness, (A, MA, L,) in substances and in attributes; (L;) firmness, compactness, or soundness; strength, power, or force; vigour, robustness, sturdiness, or hardiness; (MA, L; see أَشُدٌّ, which, accord. to some, is a pl. of شِدَّةٌ;) courage, bravery, firmness of heart: (L:) niggardliness, tenaciousness, or avarice: (A: [see also 5, last sentence:]) vehemence, violence, intenseness, stress, pressure, severity, strictness, rigour, tightness, straitness or difficulty: (MA:) hardship, rigour of fortune: (MA, L:) famine, dearth, want of victuals; hardness, straitness, or difficulty, of subsistence [&c.]: (L:) trouble, distress, affliction, calamity, or adversity; (MA, L;) as also [↓ شُدَّى , in these as well as in some of the preceding senses, and] ↓ شَدِيدَةٌ , [rather meaning a hard, or distressing, event, an affliction, or a calamity, and rarely used,] of which, (L,) or of شِدَّةٌ, (MA, L,) the pl. is شَدَائِدُ, (MA, L,) agreeably with analogy if of شَدِيدَةٌ, but extr. if of شِدَّةٌ: and this pl. also signifies seditions, discords, or dissensions, whereby men are put into a state of commotion: (L:) and the rigours, or pangs, (غَمَرَات,) of death: (S and Msb in art. غمر:) accord. to Sb, the pl of شِدَّةٌ is شِدَدٌ, which, he says, preserves its original form [without idghám] because it does not resemble a verb. (L.) One says, قَاسَيْتُ مِنْهُ شِدَّةً [I endured, from him, hardness, &c.; or from it, hardship, &c.]. (A.) And فُلَانٍخفْتُ شُدَّى meaning شِدَّتَهُ [i. e. I feared the hardness, &c., of such a one]: so says AZ: and he cites this verse: “ ↓ فَإِِنِّى لَا أَلِينُ لِقَوْلِ شُدَّى
مِنَ الحَدِيدِوَلَوْ كَانَتْ أَشَدَّ
” [And, or for, I will not become gentle for a hard saying, (lit. a saying of hardness,) though it should be harder than iron]. (L.) And أَصَابَتْنِىشُدَّى meaning شِدَّةٌ [i. e. Hardship, &c., befell me]. (AZ, S.) [And شِدَّةٌ also signifies A strong, an intense, or a great, degree of any quality &c.]

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