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1 شَقَّهُ ذ , (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. شَقُ3َ , (M, Msb,) inf. n. شَقٌّ, (S, M, Msb,) He cut it [or divided it] lengthwise; (TA in art. قد;) [i. e.] he clave it, split it, rived or rifted it, or slit it; so as to separate it; [i. e. he clave, split, rived or rifted, slit, rent, ripped, tore, broke, or burst, it asunder;] or without separating it; [i. e. he cracked, chapped, incided or incised, gashed, slashed, furrowed, or trenched, it; or clave, split, &c., or cut, it open;] syn. صَدَعَهُ; (K;) or [more explicitly] الشَّقُّ signifies الصَّدْعُ البَائِنُ [the cleaving &c. that separates]; or غَيْرُ البَائِنِ [that which does not separate]; or الصَّدْعُ [the cleaving, &c.,] in a general sense: (M:) and in like manner, [but with an intensive signification, or implying frequency or repetition of the action, or its application to several objects, generally meaning he clave it, &c., much, or in pieces, or in several places,] ↓ شقّقهُ : (M, K:) you say, شقّق الحَطَبَ (S, K) وَغَيْرَهُ (S) i. e. شَقَّهُ [but properly meaning He clave in pieces the firewood &c.]. (K. [In the CK, شَقَّ الحَطَبَ is erroneously put for شقّق الحطب.]) ― -b2- [شَقَّ رَأْسَهُ generally means He clave his head, or his pericranium: and sometimes, as in an instance in the K voce شَقَأَ, he divided the hair of his head.] ― -b3- شَقَّ العَصَا [lit. He split the staff] means (tropical:) he separated himself from the community; (S, K, TA;) and particularly, that of the Muslims: because the staff is not thus called but when it is whole, not when it is split: accord. to Lth, يَشُقُّ عَصَا المُسْلِمِينَ and ↓ يُشَاقُّهُمْ signify alike: but they differ in meaning, as will be shown hereafter. (TA.) شَقَّ عَصَا المُسْلِمِينَ, K, TA,) said of a خَارِجِىّ [i. e. heretic or schismatic], also means (assumed tropical:) He effected disunion and dissension in the body of the Muslims. (TA.) And one says also, شَقَّ عَصَا الطَّاعَةِ (assumed tropical:) [He broke the compact of allegiance, or obedience; became a rebel]. (M.) ― -b4- لَا وَالَّذِى شَقَّ الرِّجَالَ لِلْخَيْلِ وَالجِبَالَ لِلسَّيْلِ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) No, by Him who clave men for the riding upon horses, and the mountains for the flowing of the torrent,] is a saying mentioned by IAar, but not expl. by him. (M. [It is there added, وَعِنْدِى أَنَّهُ جَعَلَ الرِّجَالَ وَالجِبَالَ جُمْلَةً وَاحِدَةً ثُمَّ خَرَقَهُمَا فَجَعَلَ الرِّجَالَ لِهٰذِهِ وَالجِبَالَ لِهٰذَا: an expression of opinion which is, to me, by no means clear, though reconcilable with my rendering.]) ― -b5- المَالُ بَيْنَنَا شَقَّ الأَبْلَمَةِ and الأُبْلُمَةِ [The property is divided between us as in the dividing of the ابلمة; or the cattle are divided &c.;] means we are equal in respect of the property, or cattle: for the ابلمة means the [kind of leaf called] خُوصَة, which, when it is split lengthwise, splits in halves: (M:) or, accord. to Aboo-Ziyád, the ابلمة is a herb, or leguminous plant, (بَقْلَةٌ,) to which there come forth pods, like [those of] the bean; and when you split them lengthwise, they split in halves, equally, from the first part to the last thereof: شَقَّ is in the accus. case as an inf. n., مَشْقُوقٌ being understood. (Har p. 639.) [See also شِقٌّ.] ― -b6- شَقَّ, (S, M, K,) aor. شَقُ3َ , inf. n. شُقُوقٌ, (M,) said of the canine tooth of a camel, (tropical:) It [clave the gum and] came forth: (S, M, K, TA:) [said to be] a dial. var. of شَقَأَ: (S:) and said of the canine tooth of a child, (M, TA,) in like manner, (TA,) meaning it made its first appearance: (M:) and said also of a plant, [as meaning it came forth] on the ground's first cleaving open from it. (M, TA.) ― -b7- Also, aor. شَقُ3َ , inf. n. شَقٌّ, said of the dawn, (tropical:) It rose; as though it clave the place of its rising and came forth therefrom. (TA.) ― -b8- Also, aor. شَقُ3َ , (TA,) inf. n. شَقٌّ, said of lightning, (tropical:) It [clave the clouds, and] extended high, into the midst of the sky, without going to the right and left: (K, TA:) so says A'Obeyd: (TA: [see شَقِيقٌ:]) and ↓ انشقّ and ↓ تشقّق , said of lightning, signify اِنْعَقَّ [probably meaning the same; (see عَقِيقَةٌ;) or, as expl. in the S and also in the O, in art. عق, it was, or became, in a state of commotion, (تَضَرَّبَ,) in the clouds]: (M, TA:) or ↓ تشقّق said of lightning means it spread wide and long. (JK.) ― -b9- شَقَّ السَّبِيلَ (K in art. عبر) (assumed tropical:) He passed along the way; as though he cut it, or furrowed it. (TK in that art.) And شَقَّ النَّهْرَ (assumed tropical:) He crossed the river by swimming. (TA in art. قطع.) ― -b10- شَقَّ المَآءَ (assumed tropical:) He opened a way, passage, vent, or channel, for the water to flow forth; syn. بَجَسَهُ. (A and K in art. بجس.) ― -b11- شَقَّ أَمْرَهُ, aor. شَقُ3َ , inf. n. شَقٌّ, (assumed tropical:) He, or it, discomposed, deranged, or disordered, so that it became incongruous, or inconsistent, his affair, or state of affairs. (M, TA.) [A phrase similar to شَقَّ العَصَا, mentioned above. And so, app., what next follows.] ― -b12- شَقَّ الكَلَامَ, i. q. قَدَّهُ [also expl. as syn. with قَطَعَهُ, which generally means (assumed tropical:) He cut short, or broke off, the speech; or ceased from speaking; but sometimes, and perhaps in this case, he articulated speech, or the speech: compare a signification of 2.]. (M and L in art. قد.) ― -b13- See also 8. ― -b14- شَقَّ بَصَرُ المَيِّتِ i. q. شَخَصَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The eye, or eyes, of the dying man became fixedly open; or his eyelids became raised upwards, and he looked intently, and became disquieted, or disturbed]: (M, TA:) and (TA) the dying man looked at a thing, his sight not recoiling to him: (S, K, TA:) said of him to whom death is present: (S, TA:) or [simply] the eyes of the dying man became open: (TA:) one should not say شَقَّ المَيِّتُ بَصَرَهُ: (S, M, K:) and شُقَّ, with damm to the ش, is not approved. (IAth, TA.) ― -b15- شَقَّ عَلَيْهِ, (M, K, in the S عَلَىَّ, and in the Msb عَلَيْنَا,) aor. شَقُ3َ , (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. شَقٌّ (S, M, K) and مَشَقَّةٌ, (S, K,) [or the latter is a simple subst., as seems to be indicated in the M and Msb,] (assumed tropical:) It (a thing, S, or an affair, or event, M, Msb, K) affected him severely; had a severe effect upon him; distressed, afflicted, troubled, molested, inconvenienced, fatigued, or wearied, him: (M:) it was difficult, hard, distressing, grievous, or severe, to him; (K, TA;) and onerous, burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome, to him. (TA.) And شَقَّ عَلَيْهِ, [inf. n., app., شَقٌّ only,] (assumed tropical:) He caused him to fall into a difficult, hard, distressing, grievous, or severe, case: (K, TA:) imposed upon him that which was onerous, burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome. (TA.) And شَقَّتِ السَّفْرَةُ (assumed tropical:) The journey was [difficult, hard, or] far-extending. (Msb.) -A2- شُقَّ, said of the solid hoof, and of the pastern of a horse or the like, It was, or became, affected with the disease termed شُقَاق, occasioning cracks. (M, TA.)

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