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2 شرّدهُ ذ , (L, Msb,) inf. n. تَشْرِيدٌ, (S, L, Msb, K,) He made him to take fright, and flee, or run away at random; or to become refractory, and to go away at random, or run away, or break loose, and go hither and thither by reason of his sprightliness; namely, a camel [and a horse or the like: see 1]: (Msb:) or he drove him away, or expelled him; (S, * L, K; *) as also ↓ اشردهُ ; (L;) [and so شرّد بِهِ; for] you say شَرَّدْتُهُ عَنٍّى and شَرَّدْتُ بِهِ [I drove him away from me]. (A.) And تَشْرِيدٌ signifies also The act of dispersing, or scattering. (K.) [Hence,] شَرِّدْ بِهِمْ مَنْ خَلْفَهُمْ, in the Kur [viii. 59], means Disperse thou, or scatter thou, by them, those [who shall come] after them: (S, L:) or terrify thou, by them, those [who shall come] after them: or make thou them notorious to those [who shall come] after them: (L:) [for] ― -b2- شرّد بِهِ (inf. n. as above, TA) signifies He rendered him notorious by exposing his vices or faults. (L, K.)

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