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4 اكذبهُ ذ He found him a liar; an utterer of falsehood; or a sayer of what was untrue: (S, K:) or he said to him,Thou hast lied ”: &c.: (TA:) or this verb bears the former of these two significations, and ↓ كذّبه signifies the latter: (S:) or اكذبه signifies he shewed him that he had told a lie, &c.: (Zj:) or اكذبه signifies he announced that he had told, or related, a lie, &c.: and ↓ كذّبه , he announced his being a liar, &c.: (Ks, S:) or اكذبه and ↓ كذّبه are syn.: but the former sometimes signifies he incited, urged, or induced, him to lie, &c. (a signification assigned to it in the K): and sometimes, he made manifest, or proved, his lying, &c. (a signification also assigned to it in the K): and he found him a liar, &c. (Th, S, * TA.) -A2- اكذب, inf. n. إِِكْذَابٌ, (tropical:) He, being called to, or shouted to, remained silent, feigning to be asleep. (AA, K.)

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