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The Spanish expedition to St. Domingo.

The Cuban Messenger furnishes the following authoritative statements in reference to the expedition to St. Domingo, of which we have before had accounts, its origin and its object:

A special committee from the government of St. Domingo, composed of Sr. De Apolinar de Castro and Sr. Dn. Manuel de C. Hereda, arrived here on the 27th, in order to inform the Government of the fact that the people of Spanish origin in the Island have enthusiastically declared their wish and willingness again to become subjects of Spain.

On the 18th inst., the Spanish flag was hoisted at St. Domingo, and the President, Gen. Santana, issued a proclamation which sets forth the desires of the people on the subject.

H. E., the Captain-General, has allowed, that in accordance with the wishes of the people and government of St. Domingo, troops and men-of-war should go there; but the Captain-General submits the whole matter to H. M. the Queen for decision, giving the asked for assistance temporarily and conditionally.

These men-of-war, with the land and naval forces granted for St. Domingo by Gen. Serrano, left port on the 30th, under the immediate command of the Admiral of the Navy, Gen. Rubalcaba, and we expect shortly to hear that Her Majesty, Queen Isabel, has accepted the offers of the people of St. Domingo, and that the once beautiful Island of Hispaniola will soon form a new, rich and prosperous-portion of Spain, adding a third brilliant jewel to the Spanish crown in the Antilles.

The expedition above referred to, so far consists of five vessels, H. C. M. steamers Blanca, Blasco de Garay, Velasco, Berenguela an Isabel la Catolica. The first two sailed sometime since, before the proclamation was published in Havana. The last three sailed on the 30th, the Isabel la Catolica being the flag-ship. The occasion was one of great joy at Havana. As they sailed out of the harbor they were honored with a parting salute from the fortresses, as well as cheers from an immense crowd of people assembled in the vicinity, salutes which the departing ships and the troops on board returned with the usual national enthusiasm. The royal bands of the various regiments stationed at Havana also celebrated the occasion with appropriate music at the Punta Castle, and the day generally was observed by the people as a day of national rejoicing. The daily journals record these important events in very jubilant tones, the Prensa going so far as to say that ‘"the day is not far distant when the Spanish marine will be restored to its ascent power, as in the times of Philip II."’

Santana's proclamation.

The proclamation of the Dictator, Santana, addressed to the Dominican as above mentioned, is dated the 1861 of March, It speaks first of his own services and of his well-known st to the mother country, from, which the and then separated only by the schemes of ambitions was, and then proceeds to show how are suit their interests and sympathize, socially and politically, the people of both countries speak-

ing the same language, professing the same religion, and living under the same laws. He then alludes to the bloody revolutions of the Republic, the perils which still threaten her, and finally to the promised protection of the mother country, which had never ceased to entertain kindly feelings towards them.

She promises to us all that civil liberty which her own people enjoy, and guarantees to us natural liberty beyond all possibility of losing it. She secures to us our property, and to that end recognizes as valid all the acts of the Republic. She promises to recognize and reward merit, and will never forget services to the country. In fine, she will bring back peace again to a country so long the scene of wars, and with peace its innumerable blessings.

Yes, Dominicans, from this day forth you may rest from the fatigues of war, and occupy yourselves with the future of your children.

Spain protects us. Her flag waves over us. Her arms will defend us. She recognizes our liberties, and together we will defend them, as one people, one family, as we always have been. Together we will prostrate ourselves before those altars that same nation erected; before those altars which she finds to-day as she left them, safe, intact, and crowned yet with the shield of her arms, her castle and lions, the first standard which Columbus raised at the side of the cross in these unknown lands, in the name of Isabella the First, the great, the noble and the Catholic Isabella; an august name, which with the sovereignty of Castile, inherited also the love of the people of the Spanish isles. We raise there again the flag of her kingdom; and proclaim it in the name of our Queen and Sovereign.

Long live Isabella II.: Long live liberty ! Long live religion ! Long live the Dominican people Long live the Spanish nation!

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