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From Island. No. Ten.

--The New Orleans Delta speaks of the arrival in that city of Lieut. Julius Elbe from Island No.10, and says:

Lieut. Elbe confirms all that correspondents have related respecting the operations at the island, and its situation and that of its vicinity. He came by land across the peninsula to a point below Tiptonville, whence he came in a Confederate steamer to Memphis.--The steamer ran the blockade of the enemy's batteries on the Missouri shore under cover of night. Although Confederate batteries of heavy guns have been planted on the opposite Tennessee shore, it is still hazardous to pass the enemy's batteries in the day-time — The following special or fere from Gen. Trudeau will be read with interest:

’ Headquarters Heavy Artillery, Madrid Bend, March, 16, 1862.

Special Orders No. 69.

The Brigadier General commanding the Heavy Artillery returns his thanks to Col. Steadman, 1st Alabama regiment; Captain Rucker, his officers and men, at Battery No. 1; to Captain Barney Hughes, A. A. Gen'l--, Lieut. Lane, of the Artillery Staff; Lieut. Noland, Company R. Heavy Artillery; Lieut. Howell, Lieut. Caruthers, Sergeant McGaun, of Capt. Jones's company, and their men, for gallant and meritorious conduct before the enemy on the 17th and 18th inst., Brig Gen. Jas,

Comr'g Artillery 1st District,

Western Department.

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