The War.
There was a general failure of the mails on Friday and Saturday, and we consequently received but few of our Southern exchanges.
From the means at hand, we compile the following summary, which will be found interesting:
The gunboat fight at Drury's Bluff.
The Petersburg
Express, of Friday, has some further particular of the fight at Drury's Bluff, which we copy:
The fight at Fort Drury yesterday on
James river, (
Chesterfield side) was quite an exciting affair, and we have good grounds for believing resulted in a decided repulse to the
Lincoln gunboats.
A gentleman who was present in forms us that the approach of the
Federals was first discovered by our pickets about daylight.
The fighting was commenced at half-past 7, and continued without intermission until eleven, when the gunboats, entirely satisfied retired rapidly down the river.
Galena, an iron clad, but not so formidable as the
Monitor, was the only vessel engaged, although the
Monitor and three gunboat were present.
The enemy fired very rapidly, and did some execution in and around the fort, but many of the shells went far beyond the works, some of them exploding a mile distant, and others bursted over the turnpike.
Galena was placed
hors du combat by a plunging shot, which entered her upper deck, ranging downwards, and setting her on fire.
She processed a mile or so down the river, when she was run into shallow water and sunk, to save her from total destruction by fire.
A shot from one of our rifled guns cut a small boat in twain, which was swinging from the side of one of the wooden vessels, and sent two men which it contained to the bottom.
As the fleet moved off, our sharpshooters, who lined the banks of the river for three or four miles, poured their deadly missiles into every porthole and at every pilot-house.--One pilot was ca killed, as he was seen to fail at the crack of a sharpshooters ride.
Other of the invaders, it is thought, were sent to their final account.
The high bluffs, thickly covered with undergrowth, afford admirable protection for sharpshooters and the number, we hear, is to be greatly increased.
The casualties on our side were five killed and eight wounded. We have ascertained the following:
Bowyer's battery, from
Botetourt county, lost one man killed —
George Clements — and three wounded.
Jones's battery,
Bedford county, two men killed.
Sales' (
Bedford) Battery, two men killed.--
Captain Sales was slightly wounded in the arm.
Our informant saw a mule which was dreadfully mangled and killed, more than a quarter of a mile from the
Fort, by the explosion of a shell.
The animal had three legs cut off, and its side was torn out.
It the opinion of several who were present at the bombardment, that the enemy will make another attempt to silence our guns at Fort Drury, and that when he next comes, it will be with mortar boats.
The bluff are too much elevated for his gunboats to do much execution.
We are pleased to learn that the best spirits pervade our men, and that they are determined to make Old Abe's ‘"on to
Richmond"’ by water as difficult as have been his efforts to reach our glorious capital on
terra firma.
Richmond must not be surrendered.
The determination of the authorities to defend the city of
Richmond has been announced and received throughout the country with joy. As an evidence of this we make the following extract from the Petersburg
Every Southern eye is now turned with a painful anxiety to the
Capital of
Virginia and of the
Confederate States.
Every Southern heart throbs with the most intense emotions at the changed aspect of affairs in and around that beautiful city, the pride of this ancient and noble Commonwealth, now about to be the theatre of one of the most thrilling events of the war, that will win for her a historic celebrity not interior to that of any city that has hitherto figured in the annals of the world.
Napoleon found his doom in
The funeral pyre on which his colossal power was consumed was lighted by the torches of the heroic citizens of that proud metropolis.
He saw in its voluntary conflagration the signal of his approaching down fall, and infinitely terrible to him was a spectacle at once so grand and portentous.
Moscow rose in triumph from its ashes, covered with glory and crowned with prosperity
Napoleon sunk beneath the tremendous blow which it inflicted on him, and the memory of what he had been was all that he could snatch from the tremendous wreck of his fortunes.
A city destroyed may be rebuilt and flourish again.
Liberty once lost is irrecoverable.
Sublime examples of self immolation on the altar of freedom for the salvation of her sacred cause are not in
Time's chronicles confined to a single community or individual They are strewed up and down through the historic record, and are beacon-lights to guide and cheer, through all centuries, a people struggling to be free.
These remarks have been prompted by the pleasing intelligence that the city of
Richmond is to be defended at all hazards and to the last extremity.
Our information on this head encourages us to hope that the vandal foe who is exulting in the anticipation of its speedy conquest will meet with a resistance that he little expects.
Unquestionably the possession of that city, under existing circumstances, would make him delirious with joy. Unquestionably such a success would be in the highest degree disastrous, but not fatal, in its immediate effects to the
Southern cause.
These considerations will stimulate the Governments there, State, Confederate and municipal, to the most intense and unshrinking efforts and measures for its preservation from so great a calamity.
The people of the city and the brave army in its vicinity will vigorously co-operate, fearless of consequences, and with a determination to baffle the expectation of the enemy.
We like the tone of the
Richmond journals in speaking of the dangers which they are confronting.
They breathe a lofty spirit — a spirit worthy of the occasion and of the
It has the ring of the Moscow metal about it, and if it shall lead to corresponding acts, let the result be what it may,
Richmond will be immortalized.
The French Minister's Visit to Richmond.
The Savannah
Republican, of Wednesday last, says:
Various and conflicting are the speculations with regard to the object of the
French Minister to the
United States, in his recent visit to the
Confederate capital.
From a source higher perhaps than any from which the various; rumors afloat have been drawn, we learn the following:
The visit of M
Mercier to
Richmond was at the instance of the
French Emperor, and its object was to bring about a pacification between the
Confederate States and the
United States.
French Emperor proposed, through his Minister,
M. Mercier, to refer the solution of our troubles to the ballot, as was done in
Italy some years ago. The
North contends, as an excuse for the war, that a majority of the people of the
Confederate States are still loyal to the
Union; the
South denies it. Under this state of facts, says the
French Emperor, let each State represented in the
Confederacy decide for itself, freely and without compulsion, with which nation it will cast its lot for the future.
So far as at present advised, the overture for peace will probably fall.
Our Government is ready to agree to the mode of settlement, but it is understood that the
Lincoln Administration declines intervention on the terms specified.
Mercier's dispatch was forwarded immediately to
France by a steamer in waiting, and it is not improbable that
Napoleon will take some decided step with regard to the war as soon as the result shall have reached him.
Important movement in Arkansas.
The Memphis
Appeal, of the 7th inst., says:
From a gentleman who left
Pocahontas on Wednesday evening last, we have intelligence of the movement of the enemy in that section of
Arkansas, of a rather startling character.
On the 21st uit., the advance of
Gen. Steele's division, under command of
Col. Curlin, reached
Pocahontas, where they were quartered upon the people for nine days, awaiting the advance of the remainder of the column.
The advance brigade number twenty-five hundred infantry, six pieces of artillery, and two companies of cavalry.
The whole division was stated to be about nine thousand strong, which was scattered on the road from Resvor's station to Satesville, over one hundred miles. This order of marching was forced upon them, owing to the difficulty of obtaining supplies.
On the morning of the 27th, the advance received marching orders, and on the afternoon of the same day the cavalry moved forward.
The next day the infantry followed.
Their destination was announced to be
Little Rock, and they were to be followed by the outrage of the column.
The distance from
Pocahontas to
Little Rock is one hundred and sixty miles, and the route a good one--it being what is called the military read.
The Federal officers were confident of their ability to accomplish their object, and went so far as to assert that
Phelps, of
Missouri, would be appointed
Military Governor of
The army was supplying itself by a pillaging system of foregoing.
The beacon and corn in the hands of the planters was seized, and receipts given for the number of pounds and bushels of each.
These documents in every instance accompanied by the promise that the owners would be paid six cents a pound for the first, and thirty-five cents a bushel for the latter, at the expiration of one year, on condition they took the oath of allegiance, and remained loyal to the
Federal Government during that period.
The personal effects of such as were ascertained to be in the Confederate army were seized and confiscated, and numerous, infamous outrages perpetrated upon the property of other citizens who were known to be Southern-Rights men.
Unless an effort is made to counteract this movement the invaders will be able to inflict serious injury upon the
It seems to us, however, that a small force might prevent this, and so harass the scattered detachments of the enemy as to finally drive him back. --Should it not be done?
A recent letter from New York says:
The death of the aged and well-known
Dr. Bangs took place on Saturday morning. He has been in falling health for some time past, and the event, therefore, was not unexpected.
For sixty years
Dr. Bangs was identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
He was born May 2, 1778, at
Conn, and at the age of thirteen removed to
Stamford, Delaware.
At twenty one he removed to
Upper Canada, where he was employed for three years as a surveyor and teacher.
In 1800 he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
In 1801 he entered the ministry, and in 1810, he was first appointed in this city, then one circuit, with five preaching places; and with the exception of one year, when he was
President of the Wesleyan University, the last forty five years of his life were spent in New York and
Dr. Bangs was one of the originators of the
Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for sixteen years served it graciously.
In 1836 he was chosen Corresponding
In 1838
Dr. Bangs published the first volume of his widely known ‘ "History of Methodism."’ The last volume appeared in 1841 he took a superannuate relation, but with voice and pen has not failed to serve the causes of religion.
With the exception of
Rev. Dr. Spring,
the Rev. Dr. Bangs has been longer in this city than any other clergyman.
A chance to strike A blow.
Milledgeville Union thus notices a fine chance to strike the enemy an effective blow:
Reliable information from
Nashville assures us that there are but three effective regiments now left to guard that important place, where there are collected immense stores, and some seven or eight thousand of the enemy's sick.
Only about two thousand effective men to guard
An army of ten thousand men now doing nothing in
South Carolina and George a might soon be collected at
Chattanooga, and under a bold, dashing leader might not only recapture
Nashville but even penetrate into
Kentucky, and afford a rallying point to our friends there, who are groaning under the oppression of the enemy.
Is there no one to head such an expedition?
If the
Government will not or cannot spare Confederate troops for such an enterprise, we believe volunteers sufficient for the expedition could soon be raised if a leader in whom they had confidence would offer himself to lead them.
Who will immortalize himself by retaking
The Yankees find out the spirit of the Southern people.
A letter from
General Mitchell's (Federal) Division, at
Huntsville, Ala, to the Cincinnati
Times, says:
The white inhabitants of this part of the country are the most rampant and vicious Secessionists I over met with.
They will hardly speak to an officer when they meet him, but look side ways, lest they might inhale his ‘"Yankee"’ breath.
No matter what the nation, creed, or color of a man, of he is for the
Union he is a Yankee.
The ladies — save the mark — are more vicious, fierce, and rampant than the men.
An instance: A few days ago,
Major Moore, of the Tenth Ohio, seeing two women, whom he supposed to be ladies enter a carriage, and finding it difficult to close stepped gallantly forward for the purpose of closing the door, when one of the termagants put forth her hand and pushed the door most violently.--The
Major looked create fallen for a moment, and after a pause said, ‘"Excuse me, I thought you were ladies"’ This brought the crimson to the checks of the she devil, but she said nothing.
Another correspondent, writing from
Columbia, Tenn., says:
This place is rotten, rancid with treason.
I am told it is regarded as the staunchest secesh population in the
Very likely.
It is quieter than
Nashville; not so insolent or so candid.
But its still waters are running mighty deep.
Last night a clever subterranean scheme was squelched by our vigilant provost.
He said to me at dark, ‘"Their very stillness bat lays them.
I'll block a tall game to-night."’ And he did. Certain gentlemen in jeans are evidently playing into the hands of ‘"certain cavalry"’ in the distance.
The long roll beat at 8 I passed the guards with the provost, who inquired, ‘ "Leaded — cap on?"’
‘"yes, sir."’
"Keep your eyes open.
No man passes without the countersign — no man; do you understand?"
‘"Aye, aye, sir."’
That would have been a night of blood to some noble souls, but for the alert provost. --They who have smiled on us were to have been spirted away, and so on, and so on. Two half-grown boys were captured in concealment at the
Court-House, who, in great trepidation, told who brought them there, but denied having any notion as to why they were brought there.
Their sender was also captured, and proved to be a wrathful organizer of some deviltry or other — we cannot determine precisely what.
He utters the most revolting imprecations upon the
American flag, and vows that he will teach his children to imitate their father in his hatred and blasphemy of the ‘"Yankee banner."’
Non-payment of the Yankee soldiers.
The New York
Commercial, of May 2d, says:
There are very grave complaints in the correspondence from various regiments about the soldiers not receiving their pay. Some report that they have had no pay for four or five months. In consequence their families are exposed to severe privations and often to absolute want.
We hope the
Secretary of War will apply himself to the remedy of this evil.
There also needs to be amendment in this particular nearer home.
We learn that the regiment of artillery that now man the forts in this harbor have received no pay for six months, and that some of their wives and families have in consequence had to seek shelter in the poor-house.
We understand that
Gen. Bliss says that the money to pay them has been ready for some time, and that the men have not been paid only because the officers do not furnish the pay rolls.
It is hard that the men should suffer for their officers' fault, and it would be better that such incompetent officers should resign than that the families of our soldiers should suffer want by hard-earned money being withheld.
The following paragraph appears in a recent number of the
Albany (N. Y.)
One of the arguments deemed conclusive against
Gen. McClellan is, that he should have Deliberately chosen to go to
Richmond by way of
Yorktown — where he knew the rebels were strongly fortified — when so many other ways, less capable of defence, were open to his advance.
It must be a satisfaction to the
General to know that the seal of secrecy will not always remain unbroken.
But mean while, it seems hard he should be compelled to bear his breast to the ten thousand shafts of slander which are thrust at him, when, by a single word of self- vindication, he could hurt them all back upon his slanderers.
At all events, that he is waiting affords those who have an inkling of the truth, stronger evidence of his fitness for command than would even his triumph at
The defence of Mobile.
We are glad to hear that the military authorities of
Mobile have resolved to defend the city, by land and water, to the last extremity, and that they are doing their whole duty to that end. The Mobile
Register says:
General Forney is confident of his ability to make the defence successful, provided the people, who are to be protected in their property, liberties and lives, are true to them selves.
It is not proper to divulge the plans of defence.
It is sufficient to say that they are formed and being rapidly carried into execution.
The people of
Mobile have now a solemn duty to perform.
Their first is, as one man, to offer their assistance in every possible way to the
General to perfect his arrangements.
Every man, boy, and negro every horse, cart, spade and axe — ought to be at work night day.
If this were the case, twenty-four hours would put the city in such a cognition that the enemy could be defied, or at least that we should suffer no after reproaches for neglecting any possible means of defence.
The streets are full of talk about what is to be done, what ought to be done, and what is not being done.
Some have proposed a public, meeting to take the public danger into consideration and provide against it. It is no time for ‘"talk"’-- it is time for
work, and the work is ready and waiting for the hands of men to do.
Norman doubts that, by every consideration of patriotism and manhood, and of public and private duty, we ought to defend the city.
Some seem to think that because New Orleans fell,
Mobile must also fall.
It does not follow, after
Forts Jackson and Philip were passed, New Orleans was at the mercy of the naval power of the enemy.
Mississippi river, deep and wide enough to float the navies of the world, washes the levee at New Orleans.
Not so here.
The bars and flats below
Mobile are admirably adopted to defence against maritime attack.
Even if he passes
Forts Morgan and
Gaines the enemy has still to encounter our best defences.
With all the passes clear, it is only his light boats that can come up; with these passes closed he cannot reach the city with his f ting batteries.
If he comes by land we know how to meet him. An invaded people aroused to desperation by the wrongs and Insolence of a cruel enemy, and behind breastworks, even though inefficiently ar , are formidable to the best troops in the world.
But we are not left to depend alone on popular fighting and an impromptu army.
We are not left to rely solely on shot-guns and pikes.
Let our people take courage from this assurance, and when the alarm sounds, it will be a burning disgrace if every man and boy who can raise a gun, pike, or hatcher, does not rally to the appointed rendezvous to do all in his power to resist, attack, and kill the invaders.
Mobile is taken, we now predict, and put the pred ction on record, that it will be the fault of his people.
They can defend it if they have but half the faith and courage that should be inspired by the signeting. --Get ready, then, every man, to work and to fight.