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As soon as Darius had crossed the Hellespont and come to Sardis,1 he remembered the good service done him by Histiaeus of Miletus and the counsel of Coes the Mytilenaean, and after sending for them to come to Sardis, he offered them a choice of whatever they wanted. [2] Histiaeus, seeing that he was tyrant of Miletus, desired no further sovereignty than that, but asked for Myrcinus2 in the Edonian land so that he might build a city there. This, then, was Histiaeus' choice, but Coes, inasmuch as he was no tyrant but a plain citizen, asked that he might be made tyrant of Mytilene.

1 Cp. Hdt. 4.143.

2 A district rich in timber and precious metals; cp. Hdt. 5.23.

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Sardis (Turkey) (2)
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