tōtus gen. tōtīus, dat. tōtī (m tōtō, Cs., N., Cu., Pr.)
1 TV-,
all, all the, all at once, the whole, entire, total
: cui senatus totam rem p. commiserat: ut totā
mente atque artubus omnibus contremiscam: totā nocte ierunt,
all that night
, Cs.: per totam urbem, S.:
urbe totā: totā in Asiā: in toto
orbe terrarum: in totā vitā: totos dies perpotabat,
entire days
: civitas provinciis totis dabatur: qui se totos tradiderunt
voluptatibus: totis viribus adgressus urbem, L.—In
place of an adv.,
altogether, wholly, entirely, full
: in amore est totus,
, T.: Nescio quid meditans nugarum, totus in
, H.: totus et mente et animo in bellum
applied himself wholly
, Cs.: virtus in usu sui tota posita est: sum
totus vester: falsum est id totum.—As subst
n., all, the whole
, opp. dividuom, T.: totum in eo est,
ut, etc.,
all depends on this
.—Ex toto,
wholly, completely, entirely, altogether, totally
: non ex toto domum suam aversari deos dixit,
Cu.: Nec tamen ex toto deserere illa potes,
O.—In toto,
upon the whole, in general, generally