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Military rule.

--We copy the following from a late Northern paper:

The folly of the Government in trusting to the sagacity and intelligence of military commanders, without laying down a fixed rule of conduct, having been exemplified by the absurd proclamation of Gen. Phelps, at Ship Island, is further illustrated in a new proclamation, issued by General Lockwood to the people of Northampton and Accomac counties, Va., in which he says:

‘ "The Government must be upheld, and if the people of the two counties would not submit to, and co-operate with, the military in a spirit of amity and good feeling a higher power than he (Gen. Lockwood) would demand the execution of the laws, which would confiscate their negroes, horses, males, carts and all other property, and most as surely break up the institution of slavery on the peninsula. If they quietly, orderly, and in a proper spirit, attended the election on the 28th inst., and organized their Government in accordance with the proclamation of the Governor of Western Virginia, peace would be restored, and property now subject to confiscation would remain untouched in the hands of its owners. If not — if they refused to discharge their duty — if they declined to vote and would have nothing to do with the of their officers, &c., it would be taken or granted they would not accept the condition of peace and amity offered to them, and they would be regarded not as friends, but as enemies, and treated as such. Their property would be taken from them, the institution of slavery abolished in the two counties, a military government established over them; and all who continue in a rebellious spirit to oppose the restoration of peace, order, and good government, would be dealt with in a spirit of stern and rigid justice."

’ The idea of this estrap compelling people to vote, whenever they wish so to do or not, is something new in American history, and his threat of confiscation, freeing the slaves, &c. --row resting only with Congress — is another melancholy instance of the gross abuse of power sometimes attempted by military men. If Gen. Phelps, at Ship Island, has been guilty of misrepresenting the views of the Government, Gen. Lockwood is not less culpable. We may remark further that Lockwood's address is a singular one to send to ‘"loyal"’ people.

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