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From the North.

We continue our extracts from Northern papers of the 26th inst. It would seem that the state of affair at the North more nearly approximates anarchy than ever. The calm just now will prove a storm of immeasurable violence if the military usurpation of Lincoln, through his proclamation suspending habeas corpus, does not succeed in keeping down the public will.

The. "Neatness" of rebel retreat — Scenes after the battle — the dead.

A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Sharpsburg, on the 19th inst., says:

‘ Notwithstanding the rapidity with which the chase was conducted, we have caught but few of the running rebels. Seven hundred will, I think, cover the entire number. Nearly all their wounded in the battle of Wednesday, have fallen into our hands, and these will out number the force captured by them from us at Harper's Ferry. Nearly every house for two miles is fitted with them.--About one hundred of our own wounded are lying by their side. The retreat, so far as the marching part of the army was concerned, was a splendid success. But two disabled guns, one ambulance, five barrels of flour, and two barrels of salt, were all the property they left in our possession. A cleaner, neater retreat, considering all the circumstances, was never made.

While bandying with our Generals yesterday about flags of truce, and apparently being greatly concerned about their dead 22d wounded, they were moving their trains over the river, and leaving the dead upon the little part of the battle-ground they succeeded in retaining, for us to bury. Hardly a grave was dug by them yesterday. The great cloud of dust which I wrote you about last evening. and which a Major-General told me demonstrated to him that the enemy were being largely reinforced either by General Loring or the remainder of Jackson's forces, proves to have been the dirt stirred up by the retreating trains of the rebel army. It is very strange that we were not able, with all the money our Generals have command of for detective purposes, to ascertain whether this dust was from advancing or retreating forces. Our system of espionage, although very expensive and elaborate, thus far has proven a very poor one. The enemy out wit us under our very-noses.

The wounded rebel prisoners and the surgeons left in charge are very jubilant at the success of the retreat.

‘"Wait till we get you up in the mountains of Virginia, again,"’ said one of the surgeons to me to-day. ‘"and we will pay you off for the affair of yesterday to your heart's content. You whipped us yesterday because we were half starved and out of ammunition; but in the next battle we will be prepared for you."’ The battle of Wednesday, although many do not agree with me, I think was the most complete victory of the war. It is true, the enemy's centre was not broken, but his right and left were completely driven in, and the area of the battle-ground greatly contracted; splendid positions were gained for our artillery, and nearly all his dead and wounded captured; and if these are not many of the elements of a victory, I don't know what victories are composed of. On the other hand, the retreat of the rebels was an ably managed affair, and reflects great credit upon Gen. Lee. ‘"It is, "’ said a gentleman to me, ‘"Corinth repeated, only much more neatly."’

In passing through Sharpsburg, although upon a double-quick, the rebel army seemed struck with the appearance of the village. You will remember it was exposed for several hours on Wednesday evening to furious shelling by Burnside's artillery. The terrible effects of his shots were instantly seen the moment we entered the village. Scarcely a house remained untouched. Chimneys were Knocked down, heavy stone walls smashed in, roofs lifted up and carried off, and almost every form of damage possible to conceive of to a dwelling was to be seen along the main street. The large church, standing upon the hit to the right of the turnpike, was fairly riddled with shot and battered so terribly that a new edifice will have to be erected out of the broken materials. A large brick hotel in the heart of the town had fourteen shots entirely through it. Strange to say that in all this cannonade not a citizen of the village was killed or wounded. All who did not leave sought shelter in the cellars, and were uninjured.

The rebel horses standing in the stables suffered severely. One shell is said to have passed through five horses standing in a row in the stalls. In the streets, also, dead horses were lying about in every direction. On the hill, just at the entrance of the village, fifteen dead horses block up the road, and silently compliment our artillerists as they pass by.

Strong detachments from different regiments have been out upon the battle-ground to-day burying the dead In the corn field, where Hooker's corps found every cornstalk a rebel, the dead of both armies are lying by hundreds. I saw the body of a rebel who was shot in the act of climbing a fence. It remained hanging where he was killed. Four balls had entered his back and one the side of his head.

Gen. McClellan's official estimate (10,000) of our loss will, I fear, fall below the actual number. The rebel, dead greatly out number our own.

We used shell and grape exclusively — they used but little shell and a great deal of round shot. Our musketry fire also must have been much more deadly. If a battle had been fought to- day, the destruction of life would have been horrible, as our heaviest guns would have been brought in action.

The dead on the battle-field.

It is strange what a difference there is in the composition of human bodies, with reference to the rapidity that change goes on after death. Several bodies of rebels strewed the ground on the bank in the vicinity of the bridge. They fought behind trees, and fence-rail and stone heap barricades, as many a bullet-mark in all these defences amply attested; but all that availed not to avert death from these poor creatures. They had been dead at least forty-eight hours when I looked at them. Almost all of them had become discolored in the face, and much swollen; but there was one young man with his face so life-like, and even his eve so bright, it seemed almost impossible that he could be dead. It was the loveliest-looking corpse I ever beheld. He was a young man, not twenty-five, the soft, unshaved, brown heard, hardly asserting yet the fullness of its owner's manhood. The features were too small, and the character of the face of too small and delicate an order to answer the requirements of masculine beauty. In death his eye was the clearest blue, and would not part with its surpassingly gentle, amiable, good and charming expression. The face was like a piece of wax, only that it surpassed any piece of wax- work.

One other young man, beardless yet, but of a brawler type, furnished another example of slow decomposition. His face was not quite as life-like, still one could easily fancy him alive to see him anywhere else than on the field of carriage; and strange, his face wore an expression of mirth, as if he had just witnessed something amusing. A painful sight especially was the body of a rebel who had evidently died of his wounds, after lingering long enough at least to apply a handkerchief to his thigh himself, as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. His comrades were obliged to leave him, and our surgeons and men had so much else to do that they could not attend to him in time. Perhaps nothing would have saved him; but perhaps, again, a little surgical aid was all he needed. How long he dragged out his lessening pulse in pain no one can tell. Subsequently, I visited the ground intervening between our pickets and the pickets of the enemy, after the fight was done.

It was the ground over which our troops had driven the enemy, but which they failed to hold; and it had since been jealously watched by both parties, each prohibiting the other from entering upon it, even to care for his wounded or to bury his dead, if the skirmishing sharpshooters of either could prevent it. Numerous shots were exchanged yesterday between them in this spirit, but to-day the rebel skirmishers had left ours sole occupants of the field, and we civilians even felt free and safe to wander over the entire battle-ground without restriction. Our men have been engaged to day in looking up their dead comrades, and, possibly, here and there a surviving wounded one, over this inhibited district; and this afternoon your correspondent visited it himself — Had I seen it before jotting down my observations, just concluded, 'tis questionable whether I should have had the spirit of charity enough to mention the rebels, living or dead, for anything but male diction.

One field especially was thickly strewn with our dead. Away across the fields, for a mile within the enemy's battle line, our gallant soldiers had charged and chased the chivalry, but afterwards had been obliged to retire before the enemy's batteries, leaving their fallen comrades on the ground. Every dead man's feet I saw were robbed of their shoes and there were instances of our heroic boys being stripped of their pantaloons. Their arms and accoutrements were invariably taken, of course. On the other hand — I record it with a sense of relief from disgust at my kind — the enemy's dead within our reach lay just as they fell, untouched, excepting as their names might be sought after on their clothes, or the buttons might be cut off by the soldiers for trophies or remembrances of the field.--God only knows what some of our poor men have suffered before they died. It is to be hoped that none, or few, at worst, died lingering deaths.

A few of our soldiers we found alive, who had been on the ground from their falling to Thursday evening--more than twenty-four hours. They were at last picked up by the rebels, taken into a barn near by for surgical care, and paroled and left behind, when the enemy evacuated the field, as he did in the course of last night.

Some of the rebel missiles are military curiosities. One of the Hawkins Zouaves showed me a great big striped white marble that had hit him after it was spent from a cannon. Another soldier, a cultivated young man, known to literary friends of mine, told me of a comrade picking up the sheet iron plate of a door lock, all rolled up, key-hole perfect in it, no mistake, which had fallen near him from a rebel cannon. The key had probably been sent in another direction.

The surrender of Harper's Ferry — a review of M'Clellan's generalship.

The surrender of Harper's Ferry seems to have been a greater blow to the North than first accounts would have justified us in expecting. The press do not discuss the battles in Maryland, (and for a good reason,) but make the fall of Harper's Ferry the topic. They say that the failure to rise

in Maryland was the defeat of Lea and about the only defeat He did sustain:

Lee, on his part, seems to have fully appreciated the importance of Harper's Ferry for while was sending couriers for reinforcements, the ordered Jackson to unite with Hill and overwhelming while he stayed the columns of and of Franklin with his best divisions. It turned out this strategy was successful. He and Franklin both to fight on Sunday, the 14th, while poor Miles, who was miles and miles away and pressed by the swarming divisions of Jackson and together, capitulated on the following morning. This was, by long odds, the of the war, for it gave the rebels one hundred guns, vast military stores, a pontoon bridge a road home, and virtually struck dead 11,538 or the power of our troops for the remainder of the Compared with the disasters of an ordinary battle the moral summing up is equal to the in killed and wounded inflicted by the conflicts of a hundred thousand men, in the terrific battle on the three following days. Those of our citizens well know how to appreciate the ring shame of that surrender who saw our brave fellows of the Twelfth march up Broadway friday, last, without a gun among them, and nothing but a naked flag-staff in their hands.

Lee having accomplished this the achievement, and probably being encouraged by it to have a trial of strength with the Union army before retiring, now that his power to retreat was sure, ordered Jackson and all the disposable forces of Hill to come to him; and thus having got the whole of the rebel forces of Virginia together, stretched them along the line of Antict creek on Tuesday afternoon, in a formidable line of battle. The subsequent day's fight allowed that this ground was well chosen. The creek was deep ran in a crescent toward our forces almost with the Potomac, and was fordable at only to the north, and by a stone bridge at three miles distance in the south. McClellan day, and foremost his plan of fashion left him. The simple had was the wing on which to make his main attack, and he chose the right for his chief demonstration, as Lee knew he must, in order to gain possession of a projecting piece of wood, which would constantly threaten our right wing.

It was a simple, downright, equal, forward pressure of resistless valor on our part, in which officers and men deserved alike, and which is its limited display of generalship, is creditable to McClellan. It must be obvious, however, to every intelligent mind, that he could have followed no other method than he did, and if he be reasonably modest, he must secretly have smiled at the hosannas of those besotted flatterers, who, in the servile European style of journalism, have eagerly proclaimed that he deserves the undying gratitude of the country! As if it were not a sufficiently good thing for a man of his moderate capacity to have the station and income of a prince, without being thanked on bended knees by the entire people for the gracious boon of his accepting them!

These are the movements of the first five days.--Now let us examine the result. On Thursday, the 18th, the rebels sent a flag of truce to ask the privilege of burying their dead, but making a mere show of this religious service, they used the opportunity to abandon their position, and, during the night retreated in mass across the river. The dispatch of General McClellan, which announces this result, closes with the sentence ‘"The enemy is driven back into Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylvania are now safe."’ He might have added, without any violation of the truth, ‘"and the rebel army is safe also."’

The next day's telegram to the Associated Press chronicles the same facts in the following paragraph:

Headquarters army of the Potomac,
Saturday morning, Sept. 20.

The rebel army has succeeded in making its escape from Maryland. They commenced to leave about dusk on Thursday evening, and by daylight yesterday morning were all over, except a small rear guard. They saved all their transportation, and carried off all their wounded but 500.

We have nothing beyond this, at the present time of writing, than the fact that the reserve of Porter reached the Potomac on Saturday: but, after crossing and capturing a few prisoners from the enemy's fear guard, he was repulsed in force, and necessitated to come back.

And here the performance of the week concludes, and the summing up in, that the rebels have suffered but little at our hands that would not have resulted to them had they retreated of their own accord. Their losses proceeded mainly from the failure of their own exaggerated expectations, while the battle portion of the drama, counting in the moral annihilation of twelve thousand of our own troops at Harper's Ferry, can scarcely entitle us to claim a victory. Our soldiers and division leaders gained superb triumphs on Sunday. Tuesday, and Wednesday; but our leading General has lost the grand opportunity, and Lee may how freely challenge the admiration of the South, by telegraphing, exulting, to Davis, that ‘" the army of Richmond is safe"’ In fact, his retreat over the Potomac was a master piece, and in which he combined and Jackson for the envelopment of Harper's Ferry, while he checked our columns at Hagerstown Heights and Crampton Gap, is probably the best achievement of the war. The rapidity of his movements, as well as the perfect on his combinations, contrasts strangely with the marches of McClellan; and when we behold Jackson crossing and recrossing the Potomac, at long distances, in four days we look with surprise at the tardiness of our early movement toward the enemy by a series of marches that barely averaged four or five miles a day. Does any one suppose for an instant that Pope, who found sixteen fighting days out of thirty-five between Centreville and the Rapidan, would not have found Lee at the end of fifty miles of a well-known road in less than ten days. Or can any one believe that Napoleon, who is so honored in the adoption of his name of Little Mac, would not have first flung himself upon the base of Harper's Ferry, and selecting the ground which the enemy defended so effectively, have placed his presumptuous foe between two fires, and effectually prevented his retreat?

But the mistakes in the matter are not entirely those of McClellan. Malleck could have ordered him what main course to pursue (if McClellan be not already superior even to his control) and Halleck should have made provision for attacking the retreating enemy on the right bank of the Potomac, in case he eluded the forces of McClellan.--His neglect to do so, while he had ample forces for that purpose, (if he supposed it possible for Lee to escape,) is just as guess an error as that of McClellan, in making a ten-day march to get in front of Lee at Frederick, instead of getting behind him at Harper's Ferry, and obliging him to defend both front and rear.

Position of Bragg's army in the West--reconnaissance by Buell.

A reconnaissance in force was made by General Buell from Cave City, on the 18th inst, and a letter dated there the 23d gives the result of it. The reader will smile at the lies italicised in the second paragraph, so well illustrating the dependence to be placed in Yankee letters:

Gen. Buell moved at an early hour on Thursday from Cave City towards Horse Well, a point some three miles east, and about five miles from the turnpike road by which Bragg had marched to Munfordsville. By daylight he had felt the enemy, and, approaching cautiously, had driven the pickets in with slight resistance, for four miles, without finding the enemy in force. On the right our force captured about two hundred stragglers and sick, who were sent to the rear. A number of supply wagons were also taken and destroyed. There connoissance was persisted in for some miles, when Gen. Buell, surprised and mystified at finding no enemy, halted, and tried what virtue there was in scouting.

To his astonishment and dismay his scouts soon brought in intelligence that Bragg had crossed Green river with his entire force, and was marching rapidly northward by the Bardstown pike towards Louisville. This intelligence is said to have at once astonished and gratified Buell, who was, however, chagrined at his delay in discovering the movement. He immediately pushed forward with all haste to Green river, and, dividing his force equally, he has crossed that stream, and is rapidly advancing by the main turnpikes to Louisville.

The policy of Bragg's movements appears to have completely mystified the public here. That he should have inclined to the aggressive is reasonable; but not so much so when he thus puts himself between two forces each equal to his own. I look upon the movement made by Bragg as certainly forced upon hi . After his movement in force to Munfordsville, and the reduction of that point, Bragg had no road to get South without fighting; for while he was engaged at Munfordsville Buell moved up to Cave City, and made a movement on the Glasgow road. There no longer remained an egress for him. What was more natural, then, than to avoid him, and push forward to some point by which he could reach Central Kentucky, and find the only available outlet from the State east of Glasgow?

On a careful examination of the map it will be found that it is only by getting north of Muldraugh's Hills, and taking the turnpike road to Danville, Stanford, and London, that Bragg's large force can get out of the State at Cumberland Gap. It is surmised that Bragg is trying to avail himself of this outlet, and he proposes making an effort to destroy this army in the meantime. Should he approach this city by the Bardstown road, and fail in his attempt to destroy us before Buell comes up, he could shy off by the Shelbyville road to Frankfort, and thence via Lexington, Richmond, and London, to East Tennessee. Should Buell and this army pursue him, a few hours start or of forced marches would enable Bragg to put the Kentucky river between him and his enemies; and should he find that Buell was moving to keep him north of the Kentucky river he could easily escape as Humphrey Marshall entered. I am satisfied, more over, that a desperate effort is being made to destroy Bragg's army, and that there are high hopes of accomplishing it.

General Nelson has ordered the work on the fortifications at Louisville to be discontinued. He declared that the rebels could shell the city from a dozen different positions.

A letter from Louisville, dated the 23d instant says:

‘ The latest news from Bragg's army in rather of an encouraging nature, tending to the conviction that instead of moving on this city, he has been

frightened by the combinations making against him, had is seeking to get out of the State. This is the only interpretation I can make of his movement eastward from to Bloomfield, which would bring him on to a direct road, via Stanford, to Cumberland Gap, which is the only route he has out of the State General Nelson is inclined in the opinion that he is getting over to within supporting distance of Kirby Smith, designs approaching this city on the Stanford road. The General ans the of his advent here at nine o'clock on Thursday morning, at which time the city is to be brown from the face of the earth.

General Nelson announces it as his intention to defend Louisville to the very land extremity, and then, it forced to evacuate if, he will destroy it.--Altogether, there is a very general of alarm and people are leaving the city in crowds. All business is suspended. Even the Express Company yesterday transferred their goods and office across the river, and are doing nothing in Louise now.

The Monetary Panic in New York

The New York Herald, of the th has an important article on the excitement there in financial circles, and it's it says:

‘ The excitement of the day is the terrible furthering and fright squabbling and quacking, among the lame and broken-winged cks that frequent the dirty guilders of Wait street. Gold rose to 119 on Wednesday, and to 12 ½ yesterday morning. --Stocks, demand notes, and all sorts of hands, bounced up accordingly. Wall street went frantic. Such inflation of prices such a reckless scramble for money such immense transactions in gold, many of which are unreported; such general activity in every department of financial affairs, Wall street has not seen in many a long day.--The transactions were larger than any since last May, and the excitement was much greater than The whole ing however, is to be found in the rise in gold.--That caused the depression in real estate. That caused the advance in stocks, which was in fact only apparent, and which is not an increase in the value of the stocks, but only a mode of balancing the new difference between paper and specie incident to the rise in the price of gold. But what caused the rise in gold? A dozen different causes, all working together and assisting each other.

In the first place, there was the President's emancipation proclamation. Then the secret revolutionary meetings of the New England Governors, culminating in the conclave at Altoona, which we reported yesterday, had something to do with it. The pause of McClellan's army on the Potomac helped it along. The nomination of Wadsworth — a radical disunionist — had its weight. The knowledge that there are at least two members of the Cabinet who are practically in favor of disunion, and zealously working for that object, did not lack its influence. All these and other similar facts, supporting and corroborating each other, led the lame ducks of Wall street to fear that we could find no escape from our present dilemma except in an unexpected prolongation of the war for years instead of months or in a speedy and permanent dissolution of this Union. In the midst of this gloomy distrust, Mr. Cisco's offer to receive gold on deposit for the Government at four per cent. interest, frightened our bankers, and the fluttering began.

We do not see why this excitement will not continue, and gold — and consequently stocks — rise still higher. The causes remain the same, and what should alter the result? Mr. Cisco must obtain gold in order to pay the specie interest upon Government paper; and, whether he receives gold on deposit or goes into the market and buys it outright, the rise in gold will ensue all the same.--Neither will it be possible for him to refuse any deposits over six millions; for upon such a refusal the gold already deposited with him would be immediately withdrawn. Thus the occasion of the excitement must remain, and behind the occasion lie the causes. Evidently Wall, street does not believe the assertions of the radicals that the war will be over in thirty days that Greeley's nine hundred thousand reserve of abolitionists will enlist, and that the highways of Massachusetts will swarm with Governor Andrew's promised recruits, in consequence of the President's emancipation proclamation. Wall street is practical, and cannot rely upon prophecies and predictions. Neither does it fail to see that the revolutionary Governors are obstructing recruiting, delaying the draft, and holding back soldiers already enlisted, because of some foul conspiracy and diabolical intrigue, which has already borne fruit in crippling McClellan, by depriving him of reinforcements and as istance, and which may result either in a dishonorable peace or an unnecessary prolongation of the war.

Wall street cannot understand and does not like these secret clubs of war committees, these mysterious movements of Governors, these occult sessions at Providence and Altoona, this inexplicable retention in the Cabinet of two practical disunionist, this renewed interference with McClellan, this radical bullying of the Administration, this scheme of giving a large independent corps or the chief command of our armies to a man like Frement, who is edious to all true soldiers, who is a general, but never won a battle, and who is distinguished only for repeated insubordinations and the reckless exhibition of that domineering spirit which has made many a better man a dictator, and which may make him one If he but has the opportunities proposed to be afforded him. To Wall street, as to us all, these things bode trouble, and the consequence is a feverish excitement and a rapid rise in the pulse of the street — the golds le

Whether the Government has any remedy ready to cure this fever, or whether President Lincoln cares to cure it by dismissing his obnoxious Cabinet and reorganizing it upon a conservative basis, we cannot say. It can be cure, however, by an earnest canvas of this and all other States in favor of conservative candidates for Congress, and by replacing the fanatics who now disgrace that body by men pledged to uphold the Constitution and the Union against all attacks, whether from the secessionists of the South or the radical disunion abolitionists of the North.

Opposition to the proclamation in New York.

The New York Herald, of the 26th, says:

‘ We understand that there is a good deal of feeling manifested in this city adverse to what is understood to be the object and effect of the recent proclamation of the President in regard to slavery in the rebel States; and we are informed that several citizens claiming to be conservative have been procuring signatures to a call for a public meeting to denounce the proclamation, and have applied to a distinguished lawyer to preside thereat. We are also informed that some of the more advanced radicals of this city, having got wind of this movement, set to work to counteract it, and have been trying to make arrangements to prevent the holding of such a meeting. As it is possible that the carrying out of the original design might be attended with turmoil and riot, which it is most desirable at such a time particularly to avoid, we hope that it will not he persisted in. If we are to have a public meeting for the purpose of denouncing anything, let it be to denounce the action of those State Governors who met the other day in secret session at Altoona for the purpose of thwarting the Government in its prosecution of the war against the rebellion, and of imposing terms upon the Administration. But better than public meetings for either purpose would it be for our citizens to go to work and take measures for electing to Congress men who will represent our city with credit to it, instead of the contemptible politicians and nincompoops who are usually sent to represent this community in the halls of national legislation.

Lincoln serenaded — he Makes a Speech.

The ‘"friends of emancipation"’ serenaded Lincoln Wednesday night. He addressed the multitude assembled in front of the White House as follows:

Fellow Citizens: I appear before you to do little more than acknowledge the courtesy you pay me, and to thank you for it. I have not been distinctly informed why it is on this occasion you appear to do me this honor, though I suppose--(interruption) --it's because of the proclamation. (Cries of ‘"Good,"’ and applause.) I was about to say, I suppose I understand it. (Laughter; voices--‘"That you do. "’ ‘"You thoroughly understand it."’) What I did, I did after a very full deliberation, and under a very heavy and solemn sense of responsibility.--(Cries of ‘"Good, good, bless you,"’ and applause.) I can only trust in God I have made no mistake. (Cries of ‘"No mistake — all right; you've made no mistake yet; go ahead; you're right."’) I shall make no attempt on this occasion to sustain what I have done or said, by any comment. (Voices--‘"That's unnecessary; we understand it" ’) It is now for the country and the world to pass judgment on it, and, may-be, take action upon it. I will say no more upon the subject in my position I am environed with difficulties. (A voice--‘"That's so."’) Yet they are scarcely so great as the difficulties of those who, upon the battlefield, are endeavoring to purchase with their blood and their lives the future happiness and prosperity of this country. (Applause, long continued.) Let us never forget them. On the 14th and 17th days of the present month there have been battles bravely, skillfully, and successfully fought. (Applause) We do not yet know the particulars. Let us be sure that in giving praise to particular individuals we do no injustice to others. I only ask you, at the conclusion of these remarks, to give three hearty cheers to all good and brave officers and men who fought these successful battles.

Another proclamation from Lincoln.

The desperation of the Yankee Government, evinced by the emancipation proclamation of Lincoln, is further illustrated by the issue of another proclamation on the 24th inst., practically declaring martial law throughout Yankeedom. The text of this proclamation is as follows:

Whereas, it has become necessary to call into service not only volunteers, but also portions of the militia of the States by draft, in order to suppress the insurrection existing in the United States, and disloyal persons are not adequately restrained by the ordinary processes of law from hindering this measure, and from giving aid and comfort in various ways to the insurrection: Now, therefore, be it ordered--

1st. That during the existing insurrection, and as a necessary measure for suppressing the same, all rebels and insurgents, their siders and abettors, within the United States, and all persons discour

aging volunteer enlistments, resisting militia drafts, or guilty of any disloyal practice, affording aid and comfort to the rebels against the authority of the United States, shall be subject to martial law, and liable to trial and punishment by court-martial of military commissions.

2d. That the writ of habeas corpus is suspended in respect to all persons arrested, or who are now, or hereafter during the rebellion shall imprisoned in any fort, camp, arsenal, military prison, or other place of confinement, by any military authority, or by the sentences of any court martial or military commission.

In witness whereof, &c, &c.

Abraham Lincoln.

By the President:

H. Steward, Secretary of State

The rebel army at Harper's Perry — a conversation with Jackson.

Col. Thomas Ford, ex-Congressional Printer, who with his brigade, was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry communicates to the Washington papers the results of his experience there and a conversation with Stonewall Jackson:

Colonel Ford says he sat on his horse on Tuesday morning and saw seventy thousand rebel troops march over the pontoon bridge. They took a direction as if going to Winchester but marched around and fought McClellan. Gen. Hill apologized to Col. Ford for compelling his brigade to wait until the rebel army had crossed, by saying his men had been without food since the previous Saturday--Col. Ford noticed that of the seventy thousand rebels not one had a canteen, haversack, or cartridge box, and half were without shoes. He exonerates Col. Miles from any suspicion of treachery in surrendering the post. It was pronounced by Jackson a complete trap for any army that should occupy it, and he said he should not attempt to stay. Col. Ford had a conversation of an hour or more with Stonewall Jackson, and he represents that chieftain and Jackson said the rebels had not intend to damage anything in Maryland except the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, which they considered contraband of war. They intended no harm to the people of the North, and only desired to impress upon them and the whole world their ability to achieve their independence. While they were in conversation, an orderly rode rapidly across the bridge, and said to General Jackson, ‘"I am ordered by General McLaws to report to you that Gen. McClellan is within six miles with an immense army."’ Jackson took no notice of the orderly, apparently, and continued his conversation; but when the orderly had turned away, Jackson called after him, with the question, ‘"Has McClellan any baggage train or drove of cattle?"’ The reply was that he had.--Jackson remarked that he could whip any army that was followed by a flock of cattle, alluding to the hungry condition of his men.

Affairs in New York.

A letter from New York, dated the 25th instant, says:

‘ This is the "opening day" with the fashionable milliners, and the rush and crush of crinoline at all the places where "loves of bonnets" are on exhibition or for sale, is very great. As money is abundant, purchases are many and extravagant prices are paid, seemingly without a why or wherefore.--The "charcoal carts or scuttle stile of bonnet is said to be going out and a fashion coming in more consistent with comfort as well as elegance and good taste. Let us rejoice and be glad.

Archbishop Hughes was agreeably surprised this afternoon by being waited upon by a committee of the Common Council, accompanied by several citizens who presented him with an elegantly engrossed copy of the resolutions passed by the Board of Aldermen, thanking the Archbishop for his services in favor of the Union while abroad, and tendering him, on behalf of that body, the freedom of the city.

In response to the address of Alderman Farley, the Archbishop made a few remarks, thanking the gentlemen for the gift, and stating the object of his mission to Europe, that it was one of mercy and peace, for the sake of the whole country, in which there was nothing inconsistent with his ecclesiastical character; and to impress favorably the minds of the people of Ireland and France towards the Union, he had used his best energies.


Rev. James H. Crooke, colored, was shot and killed at West Farms, N. Y., on the 24th inst., by Mary H. Hodges, also colored, whom he had seduced. He was ‘"emancipated"’ from this world's troubles before the ‘"proclamation."’

Dr. Mackay, the New York correspondent of the London Times, says of the President of the United States that he writes English ‘"that passes muster in America, but that would not be tolerated in a British school for young gentlemen."’

Rev. Mr. Bosserman and family, of Richmond, have arrived in Baltimore.

It was rumored at Fortress Monroe, on Friday, that a rebel force, numbering from 18,000 to 20,000, was in the vicinity of Black water river.

A collision occurred near York, Pa, on the 25th, killing some of the 32d Ohio, paroled at Harper's Ferry, and on their way to fight the Indians.

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