
Things about Washington.

[correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch]
Washington, Sept. 25, 1862.
Uncle Abe is apparently much skewered of late. He is attended by 40 cavalry from the Soldiers' Home to the city each morning, when he first pays his respects to Gen. Halleck, inquiring of him the latest war news and spends the day as best he can, amid various and conflicting rumors returning with his body guard at night to the Soldiers' Home, where be taken up his nightly quarters. Two steamers are kept continually at the Navy Yard, in full blast, ready for him to make his escape, and from appearances he does not think the time is far distant when he shall be compelled to ‘"skedaddle"’ from the District. This state of excitement has existed st the crossing of the Confederates into Maryland. The war by the bay not he begins to think is a failure — the nigger must now be ed, together with the Abolitionists of the North. He finds the presence from that quarter too much for the stamina, be has now yielded in good will. His opinion of the amount of the Confederate forces in the field may be gained from the following conversation: --Seward asked him how many rebels were now in arms as be believed. He replied, ‘ "Well, I can't say exactly; but as we have had seven hundred thousand, and as our armies — agreeable to the statements — have always defeated overwhelming bodies of rebels at least two to one, they must have a million and a half."’

The bulletins are daily filled with the most absurd canards — such as President Davis's death--Gen. Jackson's capture--Gen. Lee wounded--30,000 Confederate prisoners--great Union victory at the Creek of Antietam, all of which are greedily devoured and believed. After Pope's defeat, there were 25,000 wounded brought into Washington. --Once the Confederates crossed into Maryland and the ght at Sharpsburg, eight thousand have been brought into Washington, one thousand into Baltimore, one thousand into Philadelphia, the same number into New York, and it is said that there are five thousand scattered about Frederick, Hagerstown, Boonesboro', besides others taken into Pennsylvania. The dead they were burying a thousand a lay for eight days, and then thought they would never get through with the job. Their officers being fully one half killed and wounded, and this is the great victory. The abolition element is wild at their frequent defeats and ascribe it to treachery among their leading Generals. ‘"Thank God, however,"’ they exclaim. "the men we fear — the Democrats of the North--are new rotting on the dung bills of Virginia. We as a party have not taken the field yet but now, since the President's proclamation announcing universal freedom, we will go down upon them like an avalanche and drive the horse and his rider into the sea. We will not spare man, woman or child. We will not leave a germ in the South hereafter to breed a rebel. Is it not time for the blue's . They are trying to frighten Maryland with the draft still. Abe thinks th the late proclamation and that ging over them he can awe them into submission. They are rly dragged from their homes upon the smallest excitement, and thrust into the different prisons, where, if they do not take the oath, they may rot was impossible for the Maryland boys to reach the army of the Confederates. The guards were tantly doubled — not a crook nor corner between Baltimore and the Potomac that had not a sentinel. The Yankees arrested nearly all that started, and they now in the old Capitol! They are all burning with desire to throw off the Yankee yoke, but themselves powerless — bound hand and foot.-- the army penetrated Maryland, they would have been at once recruited to the sum of 60,000 men in arms. Let it not be said that Maryland is unwilling, cold, or indifferent. It is not so.

The Yankees are still throwing up the dirt on the North side of Washington. Their forts extend the Potomac to McClellan is reported to have had 250,000 men at the creek of tam. All were engaged but about 000. It has decided between Abe, Halleck, and Mac. that perate cases require desperate remedies. That was to take all the men — spare note. So be saved Maryland he might sacrifice the of them. Let it not be said this time that we were whipped by overwhelming number.

Before the fight at Sharpsburg, 000 or 000 mostly new recruit, left Alexandria thinking to pries Richmond, but before they had proceeded at South they were recalled, fearing that McClellan's army would be defeated and Washington ered.

The word has been heard from McClellan since he sent three dispatches representing that General states that he was badly whipped — that General thinks he has lost in the action 30,000 men — that he hardly known where the rebels are — they are either being heavily reinforced or are retreating that the battle is a drawn and another must be taught to decide, &c.

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