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[915] No, he is not to be looked at! I will cover him over entirely with this enfolding shroud, since no one—no one, that is, who loves him—could bear to see him spurt the darkened gore of his self-inflicted slaughter up his nostrils and out of the bloody gash.

[920] Ah, what shall I do? What loved one is there to lift you in his arms? Where is Teucer? How timely would be his arrival, if he would but come to compose the corpse of his brother here! Ah, unlucky Ajax, from so great a height you are fallen so low! [925] Even among your enemies you are worthy of mourning!

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  • Commentary references to this page (4):
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Ajax, 502
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Electra, 749
    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Philoctetes, 1007
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 195A
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (1):
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