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1 كَتَبَهُ ذ , aor. كَتُبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ and كِتَابٌ and كِتَابَةٌ (S, K) and كِتْبَةٌ; (Msb;) the first of these inf. ns. agreeable with analogy; the second, anomalous; (TA;) or the latter of these two is a subst., like لِبَاسٌ; (Lh;) or originally an inf. n., and afterwards used in the senses given below; (MF;) as also كِتَابَةٌ, and كِتْبَةٌ: (TA:) and ↓ كتّبهُ (K) and ↓ اكتتبهُ ; (S, K;) He wrote it: (S, K:) or كَتَبَهُ has this signification; and ↓ اكتتبهُ , as also ↓ استكتبهُ , signifies he asked [one] to dictate it (إِِسْتَمْلَاهُ): (K:) ↓ إِِكْتَتَبَهَا in the Kur, xxv. 6, signifies he hath written them (S) for himself: (Bd:) or he hath asked [one] to write them for him, or to dictate them to him. (TA, Bd.) ― -b2- كَتَبَ عَنْهُ [He wrote what he had heard, or learned from him.] A phrase of common occurrence in biographies. ― -b3- كَتَبَ [He was a writer, or scribe, and a learned man. (Implied in the S, where we are referred to the Kur, lii. 41, and lxviii., 47, in illustration of كَاتِبٌ as signifying “ a learned man. ”)] -A2- كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ , inf. n. كِتَابٌ, q. v., (assumed tropical:) He (God) prescribed, appointed, or ordained, (TA,) and made obligatory. (Msb.) كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ القِصَاصُ The law of retaliation is prescribed, appointed, or ordained, as a law of which the observance is incumbent on you. (Kur, ii. 173.] كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ Fasting is prescribed as incumbent on you. [Kur. ii. 179.] (TA.) ― -b2- كَتَبَ عَلَيْهِ كَذَا (tropical:) He judged, passed sentence, or decreed, against him that he should do such a thing. (A.) كتب القَاضِى بِالنَّفَقَةِ The judge gave sentence that the expenses should be paid. (Msb.) -A3- كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ, He drew together; brought together; conjoined. (S.) ― -b2- Hence, كَتَبَ البَغْلَةَ, aor. كَتُبَ and كَتِبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ, He conjoined the oræ of the mule's vulva by means of a ring or a thong; (S;) as also كَتَبَ عَلَيْهَا. (A.) كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ and كَتِبَ , (K,) inf. n. كَتْبٌ; and كَتَبَ عَلَيْهَا; (TA;) He closed the camel's vulva, (K,) and put a ring upon it: (TA:) or he put a ring of iron or the like upon it, (K,) conjoining the oræ, in order that she might not be covered. (TA.) ― -b3- كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ; (S;) and ↓ اكتتب ; (K;) He sewed a قِرْبَة, (S,) or a سِقَآء, (K,) or a مَزَادَة, (TA,) with two thongs: (K:) or, accord. to some, he closed it at the mouth, by binding it round with a وِكَاء, so that nothing [of its contents] should drop from it; (TA;) [as also ↓ اكتب :] or كتب signifies he sewed a قربة; and ↓ اكتب , he bound it with a وكآء, i. e. bound it round the upper part. (Lh.) ― -b4- كَتَبَ, aor. كَتُبَ , inf. n. كَتْبٌ; (S;) and ↓ اكتب (S, K) and ↓ اكتتب (TA) (tropical:) He bound a قِرْبَة with a وِكَاء; (S;) he bound it round the head, or upper part: (K:) or the first of these verbs signifies he sewed a قربة. (Lh.) See above. IAar says, I heard an Arab of the desert say, أَكْتَبْتُ فَمَالسِّقَاء فَلَمْ يَسْتَكْتِبْ I bound the mouth of the سقاء, but it did not become fast bound, or closed, because of its hardness and thickness. (TA.) -A4- كَتَبَ النَّاقَةَ He used art to make the she-camel take a liking to that which was not her own young one, and put something as a ring through her nostrils, lest she should smell the بَوّ, (in some copies of the K, بَوْل; but this is a mistake; TA,) and not have a fondness for it. (TA.) -A5- كَتَبَ (tropical:) He collected a كَتِيبَة. (TA.) See also 2. 2 كَتَّبَ See 1 and 4 -A2- كتّب النَّاقَةَ, inf. n. تَكْتِيبٌ, He tied the udder of the camel. (AZ, S.) -A3- كتّب الكَتَائِبَ, inf. n. تَكْتِيبٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ كَتَبَهَا ; (TA;) (tropical:) He prepared the troops; (K;) he disposed the troops in order, troop by troop. (S.) 3 مُكَاتَبَةٌ ذ and ↓ تَكَاتُبٌ are syn.: (S, K:) you say, كاتب صَدِيقَهُ He wrote to his friend: and ↓ تكاتبا They wrote, one to the other. (TA.) ― -b2- كاتبهُ, inf. n. مُكَاتَبَةٌ (Az, K, Msb) and كِتَابٌ, (Az, Msb,) (tropical:) He (a slave) made a written [or other] contract with him (his master), that he (the former) should pay a certain sum as the price of himself, and on the payment thereof be free: (K, &c.:) also he (a master) made such a contract with him (his slave): (Az, Msb, &c.:) and ↓ تكاتبا They two made such a contract, one with the other. (Msb.) The slave in this case is called مُكَاتَبٌ (S, Msb) and also مُكَاتِبٌ; and so is the master; the act being mutual. (Msb.) [But the lawyers in the present day call the slave مُكَاتَبٌ only; and the master, مُكَاتِبٌ.] الكِتَابَةُ, signifying “ what is written, ” is tropically used by the professors of practical law as syn. with المُكَاتَبَةُ, because the contract above mentioned was generally written; and is so used by them when nothing is written. It was thus called in the age of el-Islám, accord. to Az. These two words are said by Z to be syn.; but it is thought that he may have written the former by mistake for الكِتَابُ, adding the ة by a slip of the pen. (Msb.) 4 اكتب ذ He dictated. (S, K.) Ex. أَكْتِبْنِى هٰذِهِ القَصِيدَةَ Dictate to me this ode. (S.) ― -b2- اكتب and ↓ كتّب He taught the art of writing. (K.) -A2- See also 1, in three places. 5 تكتّب ذ (tropical:) He girded himself, and drew together his garments upon him. (TA.) -A2- تكتّب (tropical:) It (an army, S) collected itself together. (S, K.) 6 تَكَاْتَبَ see 3. 8 إِِكْتَتَبَ See 1. ― -b2- كِتْبَةٌ [is a quasi-inf. n. of 8; syn. with إِِكْتِتَابٌ; and is explained as signifying] The writing a book, transcribing it [from another book]: (إِِكْتِتَابُكَ كِتَابًا تَنْسَخُهُ). (K.) ― -b3- It also signifies, [as a quasi-inf. n. of 8,] The writing one's name in [the list of those who receive] stipend and maintenance (الكتتاب فى الفرض والرزق [اصحاب]). (TA.) ― -b4- اكتتب He registered himself in the book of the Sultán's army-list, or stipendiaries. (S, K.) إِِكْتَتَبْتُ فِى غَزْوَةِ كَذَا I wrote down my name in the list of the soldiers of such an expedition. (TA, from a trad.) ― -b5- اكتتب كِتَابًا He asked for a book (or the like) to be written for him. (TA.) See also 10. -A2- اكتتب (tropical:) His urine was suppressed. (TA.) ― -b2- اكتتب بَطْنُهُ (tropical:) He was constipated, or costive; (TA;) his belly was constipated. (K.) 10 استكتبهُ شَيْئًا ذ He asked him to write a thing for him. (S.) See also 1 and 8. -A2- With reference to a سِقَاء (or skin), see 1. كُتْبَةٌ ذ (tropical:) A thong with which one sews (K) a مَزَادَة or a قِرْبَة: pl. كُتَبٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- That with which the vulva of a camel (or of a mule, TA,) is closed in order that she may not be covered: (K:) pl. كُتَبٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- A seam or suture, (KL, PS,) in a skin or hide; (KL;) [app. made by sewing together two edges so that one laps over the other;] a خُرْزَةٌ (S, Mgh, K) whereof the thong conjoins the two faces [or sides]: (K:) or a خرزة that is joined together with a thong: (Lth:) or that whereof the thong conjoins each of the two faces [or sides]: (ISd, TA:) pl. كُتَبٌ. (S, Mgh.) كِتْبَةٌ ذ : see 1 and 8. ― -b2- [Also, agreeably with analogy, A mode, or manner, of writing.] [ كُتُبِىٌّ ذ , meaning A bookseller, is a vulgar term, like صُحُفِىٌّ: by rule it should be كِتَابِىٌّ.] كِتَابٌ ذ [inf. n. of 1, q. v. ― -b2- as a subst.,] A thing in which, or on which, one writes: [a book:] a written piece of paper or [a record, or register; and a written mandate;] of skin: (K:) a writing, or writ, or thing written; as also ↓ كَتِيبَةٌ : and both are applied also to the revelation from above: and to a letter, or epistle, which a person writes and sends: sometimes made fem., as meaning صَحِيفَةٌ: AA says, I heard an Arab of the desert, of El-Yemen, say, فُلَانٌ لَغُوبٌ جَآءَتْهُ كِتَابِى فَا@حْتَقَرَهَا Such a one is stupid: my letter came to him, and he despised it: so I said, Dost thou say, جاءته كتابى? and he replied, Is it not a صحيفة? (Msb.) Pl. كُتُبٌ and كُتْبٌ. (S.) ― -b3- A revealed scripture. (Msb.) [Whence أَهْلُ كِتَابٍ People having a revealed scripture: and أَهْلُ الكِتَابِ The people of the Bible. See also أَهْلٌ.] الكتاب signifies The تَوْراة, or Pentateuch, or Mosaic Law: (K:) and the Gospel, or Book of the Gospels: the Scriptures of the Jews and Christians: (Expositions of the Kur, passim:) and the Kur-án. (TA.) ― -b4- See also 3. -A2- كِتَابٌ [inf. n., or subst.: see 1] Divine prescript, appointment, or ordinance: judgment, or sentence: fatal decree, or predestination. (S, K.) لَأَقْضِيَنَّ بَيْنَكُمَا بِكِتَابِ اللّٰهِ I will assuredly determine, or judge, between you two according to the judgment, or sentence, of God, which hath been revealed in his book. A trad., not relating to the Kur-án. (TA.) El-Jaadee says, “ يَا ا@بْنَةَ عَمِّى كِتَابُ اللّٰهِ أَخْرَجَنِى
عَنْكُمْ وَهَلْ أَمْنَفَنَّ اللّٰهَ مَا فَعَلَا
” [O daughter of my paternal uncle! the decree of God hath expelled me from you: and could I indeed forbid God to do what He hath done?] (S.) [Hence,] الكِتَابُ الأَوَّلُ [The first writing; meaning the register of God's decrees]. (M and K voce مَحْبَلٌ, q. v.) ― -b2- A receptacle for ink. (K). قِرْبَةٌ كَتِيبٌ ذ A skin that is sewed (S) with two thongs: (TA:) and the same, and ↓ مُكْتَبٌ , (S,) and ↓ مُكْتَتَبٌ , (TA,) (tropical:) A skin bound with a وِكَاء; (S;) closed at the mouth, by its being bound with a وِكَاء, so that nothing [of its contents] may drop from it. (TA.) كِتَابَةٌ ذ subst. from 1; signifying The art of writing. (IAar, Msb.) ― -b2- See also 3. كَتِيبَةٌ ذ see كِتَابٌ. -A2- An army; a military force: (S, K:) or a collected portion thereof; (Msb;) [a body of troops; a corps:] or a troop: or a troop of horse making a hostile attack or incursion, in number from a hundred to a thousand: (K:) pl. كَتَائِبُ. (S.) كُتَّابٌ ذ , see مَكْتَبٌ -A2- The same, (S, K,) as also كُثَّابٌ, q. v., but the former is the more approved: (S: the reverse, however, is said in the TA; and MF says that some authors altogether reject كتّاب, with ت, in the sense here following:) A kind of small, round-headed, arrow, with which boys learn to shoot. (S, K.) كَاتِبٌ ذ [A writer; a scribe; a secretary]: pl. كَاتِبُونَ and كُتَّابٌ and كَتَبَةٌ. (S, K.) ― -b2- A learned man (S, K) was so called by the Arabs, (IAar,) because, in general, he who knew the art of writing was possessed of science and knowledge; and writers among them were few. (TA.) مَكْتَبٌ ذ (S, K) and ↓ كُتَّابٌ (Lth, S, &c.) A school; a place where the art of writing is taught: (S, K, &c.:) accord. to Mbr and F, the assigning this signification to the latter word is an error; it being a pl. of كَاتِبٌ, and signifying, accord. to Mbr, the boys of a school: in the A it is said, this word is said to signify the boys; not the place: but Esh-Shiháb says, in the Sharh esh-Shifa, that it occurs in this sense in the classical language, and is not to be regarded as a postclassical word: it is said to be originally a pl. of كَاتِبٌ, and to be fig. employed to signify a school. (TA.) Pl. of the former مَكَاتِبُ; (TA;) and of the latter كَتَاتِيبُ. (S.) مُكْتَبٌ ذ : see كَتِيبٌ. مُكْتِبٌ ذ A teacher of the art of writing. (S.) بغلة مَكْتُوبَةٌ ذ , and مَكْتُوبٌ عَلَيْهَا, A mule that has the oræ of her vulva conjoined by means of a ring or a thong. (A.) See also 1. مُكَتَّبٌ ذ A bunch of grapes and the like of which a part has been eaten. (K, TA.) مُكْتَتَبٌ ذ : see كَتِيبٌ. مُكْتَوْتِبٌ ذ Swollen, and full. (K.)

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