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1 لَقِيَهُ ذ He met him, or it. (Msb.) ― -b2- And He [met with, or] found him, or it. (Msb.) You say, تَلْقاهُمٌ أُسْدًا [Thou will find them lions]. (Mughnee, voce إِِنَّ.) See also ??. ― -b3- لَقِيتُهُ and ↓ لَاقَيْتُهُ I came near to him, facing him: came to face his face. near to him (Ksh, in ii. 13.) ― -b4- لَقِيَهُ بِمَكْرُوهِ (K in art. حبه, &c.) He [encountered with him, or said to him, or did to him, a thing disliked, or hated: (TK in art. جبه:) like استقبلهُ بِمَا يَكْرَهُ. 2 لَقَّاهُ شَرًّا ذ [He made him to experience evil treatment]. (TA in art. جدع, voce جَدَّعَ.) See below; and see مُلَقًّى. ― -b2- يُلَقَّوْنَ تَحِيَّةً They shall be greeted with prayer for length of life, or everlasting existence. (Bd in xxv. 75.) 3 لَاقَاهُ ذ [He met him face to face; had an interview with him;] i. q. قَابَلَهُ. (TA.) See 1. ― -b2- لَاقَى He experienced pain &c. See an ex. voce دَبِرٌ; and voce آلٌ: like لَقِىَ, voce آلٌ. ― -b3- لَاقَى بَيْنَ طَرَفَى إِِزَارِهِ وَشَدَّهُ [He made the two ends of his ازار to meet, and tied it]. (A, art. حجز.) 4 أَلْقَاهُ ذ He threw it where he would find it. (Er-Rághib.) ― -b2- And hence, conventionally, He threw it in any way: (Er-Rághib:) he threw it on the ground: (Mgh:) [he put it:] أَلْقَىْتُ انمَتَاعَ عَلَى الدَّابَّةِ I put the goods upon the beast. (Msb.) ― -b3- أَلْقَتْ وَلَدَهَا She cast her young one, or her young. ― -b4- أَلْقَى also signifies He let fall a thing, a curtain, &c. ― -b5- أَلْقَيْتُ إِِلَيْهِ خَيْرًا (assumed tropical:) I did good to him. (TA.) And أَلْقَيْتُ إِِلَيْهِ المُوَدَّةَ and بَالمَوَدَّةِ (assumed tropical:) [I offered or tendered to him, or gave or granted him, love, or affection]. (TA.) ― -b6- أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ رَخَمَتَهُ (assumed tropical:) [He made his love, &c., to fall, or light, upon him, i. e. he bestowed it upon him]. (K, TA in art. رخم. [See this and three similar exs. voce رَخَمٌ.]) ― -b7- أَلْقَى إِِلَيْهِ السَّلَامَ He offered to him salutation, or submission: see سِلْمٌ. ― -b8- شَرَبَ مَا أُلْقِىَ إِِلَيْهِ: see art. شرب. ― -b9- أَلْقَيْتُ إِِلَيْهِ القَوْلَ and بَالقَوْلِ I told, or communicated, to him the saying. (Msb.) ― -b10- أَلْقى عَلَيْهِ شَرَاشِرَهُ: see art. شر. ― -b11- أَلْقَاهُ عَلَيْهِ He put it into his mind; he suggested it: القاه [thus used] is said of God and of the Devil. (Kull, p. 277, in explanation of الفيض. [See 1 in art. فَيْضُ, last sentence but one.]) ― -b12- [And] He dictated it; (Msb;) namely, a writing to the writer. (Msb, in art. مل.) ― -b13- أَلْقَى إِِلَىَّ سِرَّهُ [He revealed to me his secret]. (TA, art. سر.) ― -b14- لَا أُلْقِى إِِلَيْهِ بَالًا: see art. بول. ― -b15- أَلْقَى بِنَفْسِهِ, said of night (اللَّيْلُ): see رَبَضَ. ― -b16- أَلْقَى إِِلَيْهِ كَلَامًا He addressed to him speech. 5 تَلَقَّاهُ مِنْهُ ذ He received it from him. (TA.) ― -b2- تَلَقَّى i. q. تَلَقَّنَ. (Bd in l. 16.) 8 اِلْتَقَى مَسْلَكَاهَا ذ [Her vagina and rectum met together in one, by the rending of the part between,] on the occasion of devirgination. (M, in art. اتم.) 10 اِسْتَلْقَى ذ He lay, syn. نَامَ, (K,) upon the back of his neck. (JK, S, K.) And It (any. thing) was [or lay] as though thrown down or extended. (T, JK, TA.) لَقًى ذ Muscles of the flesh. (TA, art. ضيج.) ― -b2- لَقًى بَقًى: see بَقَاقٌ. لِقَآءٌ ذ The facing a thing. [encountering it:] and meeting it, meeting with it, or finding it: and perceiving it by the sense, and by the sight. (Er-Rághib, TA.) ― -b2- لِقَآءٌ: its predominant application is Encounter, i. e. conflict, fight, battle, or war. (Mgh.) ― -b3- يَوْمُ اللِّقَآءِ The day of encounter in fight &c. بَيْعُ إِِلْقَآءِ الحَجَرِ ذ : see نَابَذَهُ, and art. لمس. وَجَدْتُ هٰذَا من تِلْقَآءِكَ ذ I experienced this from thee, or on thy part; syn. مِنْ جِهَتِكَ and مِنْ قِبَلِكَ. (Mgh in art. قبل.) هٰذَا الأَمْرُ مِنْ تِلْقَائِهِ This thing, or affair, is from him; syn. مِنْ عِنْدِهِ; as also مِنْ قِبَلِهِ and مِنْ لَدُنْهُ. (Lth, in TA in art. قبل.) ― -b2- تَلْقَآءَ In the direction that meets or faces. (El-Khafájee, TA.) You say, تَوَجَّهَ تِلْقَآءَ فُلَانٍ [He went towards such a one], and تِلْقَآءَ النَّارِ [in the direction of, or towards, the fire]. (K.) And جلست تِلْقَآءَهُ I sat over against him, or opposite to him. (S.) And وَقَفَ تِلْقَآءَ البَيْتِ He stopped facing the house. (Msb.) ― -b3- تِلْقَآءُ القِبْلَةِ [The direction of the Kibleh]. (M, K, voce إِِمْامٌ.) -A2- See بَيَّنَهُ. مَلَاقِى الفَزْجِ ذ [pl. of مَلْقًى,] The narrow, or strait, parts of the pudendum muliebre. (TA in art. لحم.) ― -b2- ا@لْمَلَاقِى The horizontal slabs in which is the aperture in a privy. مُلَقًّى ذ Greeted: see بُلَهْنِيَةٌ, in art. بله.

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