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And he died before Agesilaus returned from Asia, after he had plunged, or rather had plunged Hellas, into the Boeotian war.1 For it is stated in both ways; and some hold him responsible for the war, others the Thebans, and others both together. It is charged against the Thebans that they cast away the sacrifices at Aulis,2 and that, because Androcleides and Amphitheus3 had been bribed with the King's money to stir up a war in Greece against the Lacedaemonians, they set upon the Phocians and ravaged their country.

1 In 395 B.C., the aggressions of Sparta led to an alliance between Thebes and Athens against her. In the following year Corinth and Argos joined the alliance, and the whole war, which dragged along until 387 B.C., is usually known as the ‘Corinthian war.’

2 In the spring of 396, when Agesilaus vainly tried to sacrifice there, in imitation of Agamemnon (Plut. Ages. 6.4-6; Xen. Hell. 3.4.3 f., and Xen. Hell. 3.5.5).

3 Cf. Xen. Hell. 3.5.1 and 4.

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