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to form the 3d Cavalry, under Colonel Chickering. The regiment took part in the siege of Port Hudson, and in the spring of 1864 it began its part in the Red River campaign; in the latter part of July, organized as infantry, it was transferred to Maryland, becoming part of the 2d Brigade, 19th Army Corps, and engaged in the battles of the Opequon and Cedar Creek, going into winter quarters at Pleasant Valley, Md., on Dec. 28, 1864. In February, 1865, it was again equipped as cavalry, and in March returned to Virginia. At the close of the previous year the three independent cavalry companies were mustered out and their places were filled by other Massachusetts men. On May 20 those who had originally formed the 41st Infantry were mustered out. The regiment left Washington for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 14, 1865; served in Kansas and Nebraska during the summer, and was mustered out of service Sept. 28, 1865. Proceeding at once to Boston, the members of the regiment were paid off and
only regiment of colored cavalry organized in Massachusetts, was recruited in the autumn and winter of 1863 and 1864, and in three battalions left the State from May 5 to 8, 1864. The 1st Battalion, comprising Cos. A, mustered Jan. 9, 1864, and B, C and D, mustered January 29, in command of Maj. Horace N. Weld, reached Washington May 7, and on the 13th, serving as infantry, joined the brigade of colored troops at Camp Casey. Cos. E, mustered February 10, F, February 23, G and H, mustered in March, formed the 2d Battalion, commanded by Maj. Z. B. Adams; and with the 3d Battalion comprising Cos. I, mustered March 26, K and L, mustered in April, and M, on May 5, joined the 1st Battalion, at Camp Casey before the 14th of May. On the 16th the regiment was assigned to the 3d Division, 18th Army Corps, and, equipped as infantry, was stationed at City Point, Va., serving in detachments, in reconnoitring expeditions and picket duty. The most severe engagement in which the regiment took part
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Sixth battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
d died of wounds,–66 Died by accident and disease,14748 Died in Confederate prison,––– Total losses,15354 Casualties by Engagements. 1862. June 28, Vicksburg, Miss.,–11 Aug. 5, Baton Rouge, La.,–33 1863. April 12-13, Bisland, La.,–11 July 13, Bayou La Fourche, La.,–11 The 6th Battery was mustered into the service of the United States Jan. 20, 1862, and left Boston Harbor Feb. 8, 1862, on the Idaho and reached Ship Island, Miss., March 8, going into camp there. In the month of March a portion of the battery, under Captain Everett, engaged in an expedition to Biloxi and Pass Christian. The entire battery sailed for New Orleans, April 15, to take part in the operations against that city. After the occupation of New Orleans the battery was temporarily divided, one section under Lieutenant Carruth and the two others under Captain Everett, each detachment engaging in various expeditions in the vicinity of New Orleans, but the battery was reunited at Baton Rouge, L
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twelfth battery Massachusetts Light Artillery. (search)
3 Actual total of members of battery,7258265 Killed and died of wounds,––– Died by accident and disease,–2424 Died in Confederate prison,––– Total losses,–2424 Active during the Port Hudson campaign. The 12th Battery Massachusetts Light Artillery was recruited and mustered into service by detachments during the autumn of 1862, and left Boston by ship for New Orleans, Jan. 3, 1863, arriving at its destination on February 3. It was on duty at Baton Rouge, La., during the month of March, and was mounted and equipped as cavalry for a short time in April; on duty on the Atchafalaya River near Brashear City from April 17 to May 23; returning to New Orleans, it was on duty at various stations in the vicinity during the summer of 1863, and a detachment was stationed at Port Hudson during the siege. The battery was stationed at Port Hudson from October 15 until the close of its term of service. Foraging and reconnoitring expeditions took place by detachments on Dec. 31
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
tationed in camp near Washington until ordered to Poolesville, Md., September 12, and assigned to General Lander's Brigade. It took part at Ball's Bluff October 21, and remained engaged in guarding the upper Potomac until the spring of 1862. In March the regiment, as part of General Sedgwick's forces moved to the Shenandoah valley; returning to Washington March 25, it joined General McClellan's forces on the Peninsula, being assigned to the 3d Brigade, Sedgwick's Division, 2d Corps, Army of t many from the regiment as prisoners on June 22. Participating afterward in the siege, it shared in the engagements at Deep Bottom, Weldon Railroad, Boydtown Plank Road and Hatcher's Run and was active in the final operations about Petersburg in March and April, 1S65. It engaged in the pursuit of the Confederates to Appomattox, and encamped after the surrender at Burksville, Va., until May, when it returned to the vicinity of Washington. On June 30, 1865, it was mustered out of service, and,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-fourth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
, recruited and organized the regiment at Camp Massasoit, Readville, Mass., during the autumn of 1861, and became its colonel. It left the State Dec. 9, 1861, for Annapolis, Md., and, being assigned to Foster's Brigade, joined General Burnside's expedition to North Carolina, sailing for Hatteras Inlet Jan. 9, 1862. It was present at the battle of Roanoke Island, February 8, and had an advanced position at New Berne, March 14. Occupying headquarters at Camp Lee, the regiment engaged during March in an expedition to Washington, N. C., and in one up the Neuse River. Three companies were sent to Washington again in May; and the remainder of the regiment, moving there in June, met the enemy at Tranters Creek June 5; two companies again serving on detached duty at Washington, N. C., from July 8 to September 12, took part with loss in the engagement on September 6. The first of November the regiment, with the exception of two companies, left on picket at New Berne, took part in the Tar
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-fifth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
e, Va., for a few weeks in May, taking part in July in the advance to Trenton, and engaging in an expedition to Plymouth in September. Six companies, under Major Pickett, took part also in the Tarboroa expedition. As part of the 3d Brigade, it engaged in the Goldsboroa expedition in December, serving in support of batteries at the battle of Kinston, supplying volunteer skirmishers at Whitehall and active at Goldsboroa. The regiment served on garrison duty at Plymouth, N. C., during part of March and the month of April, 1863. In July several companies were assigned to picket duty at Washington, N. C. In December the regiment moved to Newport News, Va.; while there 432 men re-enlisted, and in February, 1864, returned to Massachusetts on furlough; those who remained being temporarily assigned to the 139th N. Y. Infantry, and stationed at Williamsburg. The command was reunited at Portsmouth, Va., March 26, and, forming part of General Heckman's Red Star Brigade, 18th Army Corps, moved
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-seventh regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
a expedition in November, and later in the Goldsboroa expedition. In January, 1863, it was posted at Washington, N. C., and was active there in the engagements in March and on duty in the town during the siege, returning to New Berne April 25. Companies G and H, stationed at Plymouth during that time, were engaged at Rocky Hoc Creek near Winfield in March. The regiment, reunited and stationed with headquarters at New Berne until October, moved on the 16th of that month to Newport News, and, becoming part of General Butler's forces, served during the winter as provost guard at Portsmouth and Norfolk. At this time 343 members of the regiment re-enlisted; 22ned to Beaufort, N. C., September 21, and was stationed in the vicinity until the spring of 1865, engaging in service at Plymouth from December 7 to January 8. In March the regiment moved towards Kinston, and was engaged at South West Creek March 8. It remained afterward on duty at New Berne until its muster out, June 26, 1865.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Twenty-ninth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
ky, it reached Covington Aug. 24, 1863, and a few days later began the march into Tennessee. Entering Knoxville September 26, it took active part in the defence of Fort Sanders November 29, and formed part of the garrison during the siege. In the winter of 1864 a large part of the regiment re-enlisted, and left Cincinnati April 7 for furlough in Massachusetts, while those not re-enlisted, having been transferred to the 36th Mass. Infantry January 30, moved with that regiment to Virginia in March and served with loss at the Wilderness and Spotsylvania, leaving the front and arriving in Boston May 23 for muster out. Organized as the 29th Veteran Infantry, the command joined the Army of the Potomac May 29 at North Anna. It was engaged at Cold Harbor and at the assault at Petersburg June 17, serving afterward in the siege. It was engaged at Fort Stedman March 25, 1865, and encamped near Petersburg after the surrender. Reaching Alexandria April 28, it was stationed as provost guard at
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments., Thirty-fifth regiment Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
the 9th Corps, and on September 8 joined the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, in Maryland. It took part at the battle of South Mountain, where Colonel Wild was severely wounded; was closely engaged with great loss, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Carruth, at Burnside's Bridge during the battle of Antietam, and was active at Fredericksburg under Major Willard, who was mortally wounded in the charge on Marye's Heights. Leaving the winter camp for Newport News Feb. 9, 1863, the regiment formed in March part of the force sent to join General Burnside in the department of the Ohio, and, reaching Covington, Ky., March 30, was stationed successively at Mount Sterling, Lancaster and Stanford. In June it was sent to reinforce General Grant at Vicksburg, served during the siege and followed General Johnston's forces to Jackson, Miss. Returning to Covington August 14, it moved in October to Knoxville, Tenn., took part in the operations in the vicinity in November and was on duty in the city duri
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