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An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 1 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 1 1 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 1 1 Browse Search
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
Elias Nason, The Life and Times of Charles Sumner: His Boyhood, Education and Public Career. 1 1 Browse Search
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ed that the troops of the Shenandoah Department, now under General Banks, shall constitute the Second Army Corps of the Army of Virginia. On September 12th, General Order 129, it was ordered that its designation be changed to that of the Twelfth Corps, and that General Joseph K. Mansfield be placed in command. In the meantime the corps had done considerable hard fighting under its former title. Shields' Division won a brilliant victory over Stonewall Jackson at Kernstown, Va., on the 23d of March, and Williams' Division fought well at Winchester, May 25th, while on Banks' retreat. The battle of Cedar Mountain was also fought by this corps alone and unassisted and, although defeated by the overwhelming force of the enemy, the record slows that the two divisions did there some of the best fighting of the War. In that battle the divisions were commanded by Generals Williams and Augur; loss, 302 killed, 1,320 wounded, and 594 missing; total, 2,216, out of less than 6,000 engaged. Th
were within the call of the Department at that eventful period. They, as well as the ships, were abroad. Norfolk Navy Yard. The sloop of war Cumberland, the flag-ship of Commodore Pendergrast, arrived opportunely in the Chesapeake on the 23d of March; and as this was the only vessel of any considerable capacity in these waters that was manned, I detained her at Norfolk to await events that were gradually developing in Virginia and the adjoining States. The Navy-Yard at Norfolk, protectery, consists of 6 vessels, 82 guns, and 1,000 men. The West India squadron is under the command of Flag-Officer G. J. Pendergrast, who has been temporarily on duty, with his flag-ship, the Cumberland, at Norfolk and Hampton Roads, since the 23d of March. He will, at an early day, transfer his flag to the steam-frigate Roanoke, and proceed southward, having in charge our interests on the Mexican and Central American coasts, and in the West India Islands. The East India, Mediterranean, Braz
88. rebels. Gen. Beauregard, now in command of the rebel forces in Charleston, has much fame as a tactician.--Harper's Weekly, March 23. Yes, call them rebels! 'tis the name Their patriot fathers bore, And by such deeds they'll hallow it As they have done before. At Lexington, and Baltimore, Was poured the holy chrism; For Freedom marks her sons with blood, In sign of their baptism. Rebels, in proud and bold protest, Against a power unreal; A unity which every quest Proves false as 'tis ideal. A brotherhood, whose ties are chains, Which crushes while it holds, Like the old marble Laocoon Beneath its serpent folds. Rebels, against the malice vast, Malice, that nought disarms, Which fills the quiet of their homes With vague and dread alarms. Against th' invader's daring feet, Against the tide of wrong, Which has been borne, in silence borne, But borne perchance too long. They would be cowards, did they crouch Beneath the lifted hand, Whose very wave, ye seem to think, Will ch
athan Kimball, Colonel Commanding Shields' Division: sir: My command left Camp Shields at eleven o'clock A. M., twenty-third March, reaching the Toll-Gate south of Winchester just as our batteries were opened upon the enemy. Remaining in column Your obedient servant, E. B. Tyler, Col. Commanding Third Brigade, Shields' Division. battle-field near Winchester, March 23, 8 o'clock P. M. Acting Brigadier-Gen. Nathan Kimball, commanding Gen. Shields' Division: sir: In accordance with young report of the part taken by the Thirteenth regiment Indiana Volunteers, in the action of the twenty-second and twenty-third of March, near Winchester, Va. I was ordered by you to withdraw my command, (which was stationed on picket duty on the Fifth Army Corps. General: I beg respectfully to report to you that after having received, on Sunday last, the twenty-third of March, at nine o'clock A. M., an order to report for duty as Aid-de-Camp on your staff, I left headquarters for Kernsto
t New-Madrid. A rebel transport, loaded with cannon, reported sunk by the fire from the fleet. March 19.--Commodore Foote reports the island harder to conquer than Columbus. Firing continued night and day. March 20.--Cannonading continued all day. All the guns but one in the upper battery reported dismounted. Hollins's ram sent from Memphis. March 21.--Firing continued at intervals. March 22.--But little firing from the gunboats, to which the rebel batteries made no reply. March 23.--Mortars fired with considerable regularity all day; result not ascertained. March 24.--Firing continued at intervals; rebel batteries replied but seldom. March 25.--Affairs unchanged. March 26.--Main works of the enemy reported overflowed. Operations slackened. March 27.--Firing continued at intervals only. Residents captured report the rebels fifteen thousand strong. March 28.--Heavy firing from the fleet. Upper battery reported silenced; enemy lost sixty killed, and tw
The Florida and the Oriental. A correspondent gives the following account of this affair: On the night of the twenty-third of March, all was still on deck, as I have described, when suddenly, about half an hour after I had turned in, I heard the call to quarters, the anchor slipped, the chain splash as it fell into the water, and the bell strike four-- go ahead fast. A light had been seen some distance ahead, but had disappeared at the moment we slipped anchor. We crowded on steam and shaped our course in the direction indicated by the lookout. In a few minutes the light was again reported from the mast-head, and was soon seen distinctly from the paddle-boxes. I looked for it in vain for a long time, and strained my eyes in the dark until I saw half a dozen lights; but we soon came near enough for us to see the vessel itself, and we went after her with all the speed we could command — some seven or eight knots. As we approached the object, though still three or four
adequate to the protection of your district? Answer. Wholly inadequate, considering the interests at stake, and the hostile forces within attacking distance. Question. When did you first hear that Forrest was advancing? Answer. On March twenty-third, four days after I took command, Colonel Hicks, at Paducah, and Colonel Hawkins at Union City, advised me by telegraph of the presence in their neighborhood of armed bands, both fearing an attack. At night of the same day, Colonel Hawkins to Columbus, expecting trouble there, and the next morning had them at Paducah, seventy-five miles distant, Question. Had you instructions as to the presence of that force so near you? Answer. Not specific. General Sherman, on the twenty-third of March, telegraphed that he was willing that Forrest should remain in that neighborhood if the people did not manifest friendship, and on April thirteenth he expressed a desire that Forrest should prolong his visit until certain measures could b
e's expedition. Little Rock Democrat account. little Rock, May 3, 1864. we have, heretofore, given such accounts as reached us of the movement of the army southward to cooperate with General Banks in his proposed expedition against Shreveport. We present, to-day, a succinct statement, which we have collected from all the statements of the operations of the gallant little army of General Steele, from the day he left here. The advanced-guard moved from Little Rock on the twenty-third of March, on the military road. On the twenty-fourth, the whole command moved, the head of the column resting that night on the Saline, beyond Benton. On the twenty-fifth, the command crossed Saline bottom, and on the succeeding day reached Rockport. On the twenty-seventh, a bridge was thrown across the Ouachita River and the troops crossed and moved in the direction of Arkadelphia. That night there was a heavy rain-storm, and the army encamped at Bayou Roche on the night of the twenty-ei
y surprise, attacking them simultaneously in front, flank and rear. Colonel Smith, with the Zouaves, was to make the attack in front. The rest of the forces were to proceed in schooners up the Tickafaw river, and disembarking take the enemy in flank and rear. Colonel Smith was ordered to proceed to a point three miles from Ponchatoula, and when he should hear three guns fired by Colonel Clark--the signal that he was in the enemy's rear — to commence the attack. On Monday morning, March twenty-third, in a pelting rain, the Zouaves commenced their march over the trestle-work of the railroad, and a laborious and disagreeable march it was. The road runs through an impenetrable swamp, and the rails are laid on rafters, elevated six or eight feet above the level of the surrounding weeds and water. The men leaped from beam to beam, gauging every step where one false one might be their last. Arrived at North Manchac Pass, they were compelled to cross it over a long bridge, which the en
, who were gathering in heavy force from Haines's Bluff and Yazoo City. In the afternoon the rebel sharp-shooters and skirmishers recommenced the attack, which was met by the Eighth Missouri and the other land forces which had now come up from below. Some splendid firing was made by Ensign Amerman's battery one shell falling in the midst of a large body of rebel troops who were just dropping into line. The effect upon their ranks was to skedaddle the whole crowd in a double-quick. Monday, March 23.--The fleet continued slowly backing down the creek, and was now out of range. One hundred and twenty-five of the sick troops of General Sherman were put on board the Carondelet, and many on other. vessels. Wednesday, March 25.--On the way down, the boats stopped at the plantations and took aboard what cotton could be. conveniently carried, and the rest was destroyed. Some of the soldiers, on their own responsibility, burned three or four buildings. All the boats took on what cot
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