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tend to have, any right, title, claim, interest, property, or demand, whatsoever, in, to, or out of the brig Betsey Ames, her tackle, etc., and her cargo, against which a libel hath been exhibited and filed in the said court, by S. H. Lebby, master of the private armed schooner Sally, in a cause of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, that they be and appear before the Hon. A. G. Magrath, Judge of the said Court, at a court to be holden at the Confederate Court House, on Thursday, the 14th day of November, at eleven o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said libel should not be granted, and the said brig Betsey Ames, and her cargo, condemned as lawful prize of war. And whatsoever you shall do in the premises, you shall duly certify unto the judge aforesaid, at the time and place aforesaid, together with these presents. Witness, the Hon. A. G. Magrath, Judge of the said Court, at Charleston, the 30th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand
Doc. 161. Confederate Episcopal Church. The subjoined is taken from the Richmond Examiner of November 14th: We publish below, as general information, and to gratify our numerous readers belonging to that communion, The Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America, as proposed by the General Convention of that church, lately held at Columbia, South Carolina. The Convention, we learn, was well attended, all the bishops of that church in the Confederate States being present, except Bishop Polk, of Louisiana, together with a full attendance of clerical and lay deputies. The venerable Bishop Meade, of Virginia, as senior bishop, presided over the body. The general tone of its deliberations, though entirely free from asperity toward the church of the North. gave evidence of a deep and settled conviction, on every hand, that the separation in church organization, like that in civil government, was, and ought to be, complete and perpetual
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 170. retreat of the wild Cat Brigade. (search)
om cutting us off, or to save Blue Grass. Strange that soldiers should leave their ammunition and march to meet the enemy. At Pitman's we met thirteen wagons loaded with commissary stores en route from Camp Dick Robinson for London. These were unloaded immediately, and proceeded to London for patients and stores. Some of the regiments had necessarily left their tents and camp equipage, so that even had fatigue permitted them to pitch tents, they could not have enjoyed the luxury. November 14.--A heavy storm of rain roused the bivouackers from sleep. Their blankets and clothing were saturated with water. The morning was most dismal. Wildcat Heights, crowned with a heavy coronal of mist, frowned in dreary and discouraging altitude before us. The roads were already worked into a tough muck, the pathway on the edges where the troops walked, were slimy and slippery. Beyond was Rockcastle River, swift and reported unfordable. But the word was en avant. The lads partook of thei
Doc. 188. General Carroll's proclamation. Martial law in East Tennessee. Headquarters rifle Brigade, camp Lookout, Nov. 24, 1861. Martial law having been proclaimed at this post on the 14th day of November, by order of Colonel S. A. M. Wood, the officer then in command, many disaffected persons were arrested and placed in custody of the proper military authorities for trial. The larger portion of these have voluntarily taken the oath of allegiance to the Confederate Government and were released and returned to their homes. Those who were organized for active hostilities have, for the most part, been dispersed and driven beyond the limits of the State, thus effectually breaking up the conspiracy recently existing in this portion of the State to resist the authority of the Confederate States Government, and thereby restoring peace and quiet throughout the country adjacent to this post. The commanding General being satisfied, from the evidences of loyalty (upon the part
e are still the recipients. Now, therefore, I, Francis H. Pierpont, Governor of Virginia, do hereby recommend to the good people of the Commonwealth the observance of Thursday, the 28th inst., as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessings of the year; and of humble and fervent prayer that He will, in more abundant mercy, bring to a speedy end the heart-burnings, and civil strife, which are now desolating our country, and restore to our Union its ancient foundations of brotherly love and a just appreciation. And I do further recommend that all secular business and pursuits be, as far as possible, suspended on that day. [L. S.] In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Great Seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed, at the city of Wheeling, this 14th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-sixth. Francis H. Pirrpont. By the Governor. L. A. Hagans, Sec'y Commonwealth.