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City Point, Nov. 30.Arrived, Ship James Guthrie, from Baltimore, in tow of a steam tug.
l and amendment, and expressed warm Union sentiments. He offered an amendment proposing to fine every Georgian two thousand dollars who sells a bale of cotton or a barrel of apples to any person north of Mason and Dixon's line! The amendment caused much commotion, and during the discussion which ensued conservative sentiments were freely uttered.--The bill was made the special order of the day for Friday next, when an exciting discussion is anticipated. It will be opposed by the disunionists and advocated by the conservatives, and should it pass, the Governor will probably veto it. [second Dispatch] Milledgeville, Nov. 30.--The Legislature to-day proceeded to the choice of an Elector. A. M. Colquitt was nominated in the place of McDonald. The following is the result:--Breckinridge 173, Bell 54, Douglas 8 --about 70 members not voting. The Bank bill passed the Senate this forenoon over the Governor's veto, by a vote of 95 to 73 and the House by a vote of 108 to 20.
Affairs at Columbia. Columbia, S. C., Nov. 30. --No more cases of small-pox have occurred. Very little of general interest has transpired in the Legislature. It is understood that the Legislature of Alabama will send Mr. Yancey as Commissioner to the South Carolina Convention. A Palmetto tree from Charleston was raised to-day in front of Mordecai's and McKenzie's stores, on Main street. It is the first ever erected in Columbia. Eloquent speeches were made, lively music was played, the enthusiasm was unbounded, and a great multitude surrounded. No national airs were performed.--The ceremonies closed with the Marseilles. Mr. Pickens is announced to speak at the Capitol to-night.
Secession demonstration. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 30. --A grand secession demonstration takes place here this afternoon. A flag, bearing the arms of South Carolina and Georgia, has been suspended across the Savannah river, with music and salutes. A large attendance is expected. [second Dispatch.] Augusta, Nov. 30, P. M.--The demonstration this afternoon was a grind affair. The flag suspended over the river was cheered, guns were fired, and great enthusiasm prevailed. No national ai grand secession demonstration takes place here this afternoon. A flag, bearing the arms of South Carolina and Georgia, has been suspended across the Savannah river, with music and salutes. A large attendance is expected. [second Dispatch.] Augusta, Nov. 30, P. M.--The demonstration this afternoon was a grind affair. The flag suspended over the river was cheered, guns were fired, and great enthusiasm prevailed. No national airs were played — nothing but the Marseilles and polkas.
From Washington. Washington, Nov. 30.--Minister Ward has advised this Government of the conclusion of a treaty of peace between China, France and England. Lieut. Gen. Scott is daily expected in Washington. About half a million was received at the Treasury from customs last week. Six millions of the ten million loan are paid in.
Army and Navy officers, &c. Charleston, Nov. 30.--The Mercury of this morning urges all South Carolinians in the Army and Navy to return home. Advices from Florida say that in many portions of that State the secession flag is flying, and that the secession feeling largely predominates.
Railroad Disaster — Loss of life. Mauch Chunk, Pa, Nov. 30. --A passenger car on the Beaver Meadow Railroad was thrown into Beaver creek yesterday, by the breaking of a rail. Mr. Nichols, conductor of the train, Mrs. Farron and sister, and Miss Smith and sister, were drowned.
South Carolina Bank Suspensions — advance in Cotton. Charleston, Nov. 30.--The four remaining Banks in this city suspended specie payments this morning. Cotton has advanced ½ cent
Thanksgiving in Alabama. Mobile, Nov. 30.--Thanksgiving day was generally observed here. Nothing done in the commercial line.
Georgia State Fair. Savannah, Nov. 30.--The ship Henry, from Antwerp, has arrived, with a cargo of French and German goods, for exhibition at the State Fair at Macon.