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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 10: last days with the tribune (search)
on be really oppressive or unjust to the South --nay, if the South really believes it so-we insist that a decent self-respect should impel the North to say, We think you utterly mistaken, but you have a right to judge for yourselves; so go if you will. A few days later, in another article, these lines occurred: We have no desire to see a single star erased from our Federal flag; but if any insists on going out, we decidedly object to the use of force to keep it in. Again on November 30th: Let us be patient, neither speaking daggers, nor looking daggers, nor using them; stand to our principles, but not to our arms, and all will yet be well. On December 8th: We gain avow our deliberate conviction that whenever six or eight contiguous States shall have formally seceded from the Union, it will not be found practicable to coerce them into subjection. On December 12th it said: We mean to be loyal to the Union, but we will hire nobody, bribe nobody, p