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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 8 8 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AQUA VIRGO (search)
AQUA VIRGO * an aqueduct completed by Agrippa on 9th June 19 B.C. (Ovid, Fast. i. 464; ex Pont. i. 8. 38; Frontinus, de aquis i. 4, 10, 18, 22; ii. 70,84; Seneca, Ep. 83. 5; Mart. v. 20. 9; vi. 42. 18; vii. 32. 11; xi. 47. 6; Plin. NH xxxi. 42; xxxvi. 121, who is in error in attributing it to 33 B.C., and in associating the rivus Herculaneus with it; see AQUA MARCIA; Stat. Silv. i. 5. 26; Cass. Dio liv. 11; Not. app.; Pol. Silv. 545, 546; Cassiodor. Var. vii. 6; CIL vi. 1252-1254; 31564, 31565; NS 1910, 547). The springs were situated at the eighth mile of the via Collatina, i.e. two miles to the left of the eighth mile of the via Praenestina, in agro Lucullano (PBS i. 139, 143), and produced 2504 quinariae or 103,916 cubic metres in 24 hours. The subterranean course was 12,865 paces long, and 540 paces were carried on substructions. A girl is said to have shown the springs to some soldiers, hence the name; the incident was recorded by a painting in a chapel near the springs (Fron
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS AUGUSTI (search)
ARCUS AUGUSTI * two arches erected in honour of Augustus in the forum, one in 29 B.C., to commemorate the victory at Actium, the other in 19 B.C., on account of the return of the standards captured by the Parthians at Carrhae (Cass. Dio li. 19; liv. 8). It is explicitly stated that the latter stood iuxta aedem divi Iulii (ScholB.C. 1 Dated 16 B.C. by the B.M. Catalogue. on a denarius of Vinicius (Babelon, Vinicia 4; Cohen, Aug. 544; BM Rep. ii. 50, 4477-8 = BM Aug. 77, 78), and that of 19 B.C. on coins of 18-17 B.C. (Cohen, Aug. 82-85; BM Aug. 427-9). The earlier coins represent a triple arch, surmounted with a quadriga in the centre and barbarians on tndations, which themselves rest on the pavement of an earlier street. If the evidence cited above were all we had, we should identify these ruins with the arch of 19 B.C., on the strength of the scholiast's iuxta aedem divi Iulii, but an inscription (CIL vi. 873), cut in a block of Parian marble 2.67 metres long, was found in 1546/
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORTUNA REDUX, ARA (search)
FORTUNA REDUX, ARA an altar erected by the senate in 19 B.C. near the porta Capena, in honour of the return of Augustus from the east, when he entered the city, 12th October (Mon. Anc. ii. 29, Greek version, vi. 7:bwmo\s *tu/xhs *swth/riou; Fast. Amit. ad iv Id. Oct. et ad xviii Kal. Ian.; Fast. Cum. ad xviii Kal. Ian.; Prop. iv. 3. 71; Cass. Dio liv. 10:*tu/xh| te )*epanagw/gw| bwmo/n). At this altar the Augustalia were celebrated by pontiffs and Vestals (Mommsen, RGDA2 46-47; CIL i². p. 331-332). The altar itself was dedicated on 15th December (sec Fasti above) and is represented on several coins (Babelon ii. 412, Rustia 3 ; Cohen, August. 102-108, 513; BM Rep. ii. 34. 4440-4; 77. 4580, Aug. 2. 358-361). An aedituus Fortunae reducis (CIL vi. 8705) can hardly have belonged to this altar (HJ 204; Rosch. i. 1525-1526; RE vii. 37; BC 1908, 121-122).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, STAGNUM AGRIPPAE (search)
STAGNUM AGRIPPAE an artificial pool of considerable size, constructed by Agrippa by the side of his THERMAE (q.v.), with which and the HORTI (q.v.) it formed one whole (Ovid, ex Ponto i. 8. 37-38; Strabo xiii. I. 19 (590)). This stagnum was fed by the aqua Virgo, which Agrippa finished in 19 B.C., and was probably connected with the Tiber by the EURIPUS (q.v.). It was almost certainly on the west side of the thermae, north of the present Corso Vittorio Emanuele, and between the Via di Monterone and the Via dei Sediari, an area afterwards partly occupied by the PORTICUS BONI EVENTUS (q.v.) of the fourth century (HJ 580; Hulsen, Thermen des Agrippa, 32-33; Gilb. iii. 293-294).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, THERMAE AGRIPPAE (search)
scussion see Mitt. 1920, 154-168.*lakwniko/n is here an adjective (see also the translation in the Loeb series); while in Vitr. v. 10 and elsewhere it means a hot room with cold plunge baths in it. in 25 B.C. at the same time as the PANTHEON (q.v.); and at his death in 12 he left to the Roman people, for their free use, a balanei=on (liv. 29. 4; Sid. Apoll. carm. 23. 496: balnea.. quae Agrippa dedit). As the AQUA VIRGO (q.v.), which supplied these baths with water, was not completed until 19 B.C., it is probable that the laconicum was the original part of what afterwards became a complete establishment for bathing, which was then regularly called thermae. Agrippa adorned these baths with works of art, among which are mentioned paintings (Plin. NH xxxv. 26), and the Apoxyomenos of Lysippus, which was set up in front of them (id. xxxiv. 62). The hot rooms he is said to have finished with fresco on tiles (id. xxxvi. 189). The thermae were burned in 80 A.D. (Cass. Dio lxvi. 24: bal
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
ilds Porticus Argonautarum, 420; Thermae begun, 518; builds Basilica Neptuni, 8 ; Horrea Agrippiana (?), 260; Temple of Bonus Eventus, 86; Stagnum Agrippae, 496; bridge, 398; Porticus Vipsania, 430. 23Library in the Porticus of Octavia, 84. (ca.). Pavement of Forum and Tribunal Praetorium, 234. 22Temple of Juppiter Tonans on Capitol dedicated, 305. 21Pons Fabricius restored after floods of 23, 400. 20Temple of Mars Ultor on the Capitol, 329. Milliarium Aureum, 342. 19Agrippa completes Aqua Virgo, 28. Altar of Fortuna Redux, 218. Second Arch of Augustus in Forum, 34. 17 Theatre of Marcellus in use, 513. 16Temple of Juventas burnt and restored, 308. Porticus round the Temple of Quirinus, 428, 439. 15Crypta Balbi, 141. Porticus of Livia begun, 423. (?) Livia builds Temple of Concord, 138. 14Temples of Juppiter Stator and Juno Regina restored, 305. Basilica Aemilia burnt and rebuilt, 73. 13Theatre of Marcellus dedicated, 513. of Balbus dedi