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Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 43 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 6 (search)
supported even their farmers on imported grain, yet they had gathered this amount so as not to fail in their duty;B.C. 171 and they were ready to furnish other things too which might be ordered. The Milesians, without mentioning anything which they had furnished, promised that if the senate wished to order anything for the war they were ready to furnish it. The envoys of Alabanda announced that they had built a temple to the City of Rome,Such a temple had been built by Smyrna in 195 B.C., Tacitus, Annals IV. 56. The conception of Rome as a goddess was quite un-Roman; it was invented by Greeks, adopted by Roman poets (e.g. Vergil, Aeneid VI. 781-7, Lucan, Pharsalia I. 186-192), but not officially adopted as part of Roman religion till the reign of Hadrian (Cassius Dio LXIX. 4. 3). The divinity of cities, either personified or represented by their Fortune, seems like a last freakish form of the glorification of the polls found in Aristotle (Politics I. i. 11: Thus also the ci
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Agesi'polis Iii. the 31st of the Agid line, was the son of Agesipolis, and grandson of Cleombrotus II. After the death of Cleomenes he was elected king while still a minor, and placed under the guardianship of his uncle Cleomenes. (Plb. 4.35.) He was however soon deposed by his colleague Lycurgus, after the death of Cleomenes. We hear of him next in B. C. 195, when he was at the head of the Lacedaemonian exiles, who joined Flamininus in his attack upon Nabis, the tyrant of Lacedaemon. (Liv. 34.26.) He formed one of an embassy sent about B. C. 183 to Rome by the Lacedaemonian exiles, and, with his companions, was intercepted by pirates and killed. (Plb. 24.11.) [C.P.M]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Alexander or Alexander Isius (search)
s sent as ambassador of the Aetolians to Rome, where, together with other envoys, he was to treat with the senate about peace, but at the same time to bring accusations against Philip. (Plb. 17.10.) In B. C. 197, Alexander again took part in a meeting, at which T. Quinctius Flamininus with his allies and king Philip were present, and at which peace with Philip was discussed. Alexander dissuaded his friends from any peaceful arrangement with Philip. (Plb. 18.19, &c.; Appian, Maced. 7.1.) In B. C. 195, when a congress of all the Greek states that were allied with Rome was convoked by T. Quinctius Flamininus at Corinth, for the purpose of considering the war that was to be undertaken against Nabis, Alexander spoke against the Athenians, and also insinuated that the Romans were acting fraudulently towards Greece. (Liv. 34.23.) When in B. C. 189 M. Fulvius Nobilior, after his victory over Antiochus, was expected to march into Aetolia, the Aetolians sent envoys to Athens and Rhodes; and Ale
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ests, lest he should march to the assistance of the Macedonian king. Now, however, matters were changed. The Romans had conquered Philip in B. C. 197, and no longer dreaded a war with Antiochus. They accordingly sent an embassy to him (B. C. 196) requiring him to surrender the Thracian Chersonese to the Macedonian king, and also all the places he had conquered from Ptolemy. Antiochus returned a haughty answer to these demands; and the arrival of Hannibal at his court in the following year (B. C. 195) strengthened him in his determination to resist the Roman claims. Hannibal urged him to invade Italy without loss of time; but Antiochus resolved to see first what could be done by negotiation, and thus lost a most favourable moment, as the Romans were then engaged in a war with the Gauls. It was also most unfortunate for him, that when the war actually broke out, he did not give Hannibal any share in the command. It was not till B. C. 192 that Antiochus, at the earnest request of the A
orrect name. He was strategus of the Achaean league in B. C. 198, and induced the Achaeans to join the Romans in the war against Philip of Macedon. Polybius defends him from the charge of treachery for having done so. In the following year (B. C. 197) he was again strategus and accompanied the consul T. Quinctius Flamininus to his interview with Philip. (Plb. 32.19-21, 32; Plb. 17.1, 7, 13.) In the same year he also persuaded the Boeotians to espouse the side of the Romans. (Liv. 33.2.) In B. C. 195, when he was again strategus, he joined Flamininus with 10,000 foot and 1000 horse in order to attack Nabis. (Liv. 34.25, &c.) He was also strategus in B. C. 185, and attacked Philopoemen and Lycortas for their conduct in relation to the embassy that had been sent to Ptolemy. (Plb. 23.7, 9, 10.) Aristaenus was the political opponent of Philopoemen, and showed more readiness to gratify the wishes of the Romans than Philopoemen did. He was eloquent and skilled in politics, but not distingu
Bla'sio 1. M. Helvius Blasio, plebeian aedile in B. C. 198 and praetor in 197. He obtained the province of further Spain, which he found in a very disturbed state upon his arrival. After handing over the province to his successor, he was detained ill the country a year longer by a severe and tedious illness. On his return home through nearer Spain with a guard of 6000 soldiers, which the praetor Ap. Claudius had given him, he was attacked by an army of 20,000 Celtiberi, near the town of Illiturgi. These he entirely defeated, slew 12,000 of the enemy, and took Illiturgi. This at least was the statement of Valerius Antias. For this victory he obtained an ovation (B. C. 195), but not a triumph, because he had fought under the auspices and in the province of another. In the following year (194) he was one of the three commissioners for founding a Roman colony at Sipontum in Apulia. (Liv. 32.27, 28, 33.21, 34.1.0, 45.)
Brutus 9. M. Junius Brutus, tribune of the plebs, B. C. 195, endeavoured with his colleague P. Junius Brutus to prevent the repeal of the Oppia lex, which restrained the expenses of women. He was praetor in 191, and had the jurisdiction in the city, while his colleagues obtained the provinces. During his praetorship he dedicated the temple of the Great Idaean Mother, on which occasion the Megalesian games were performed for the first time. (Dict. of Ant. s. v. Megalesia.) He was one of the ambassadors sent into Asia in 189, to settle the terms of peace with Antiochus the Great. (Liv. 34.1; V. Max. 9.1.3; Liv. 35.24, 36.2, 36, 37.55.) This M. Junius Brutus may be the same as No. 12, who was consul in 178.
Brutus 10. P. Junius Brutus, probably the brother of the preceding, was his colleague in the tribunate, B. C. 195. He was curule aedile in 192, and praetor in 190; in the latter office he had the province of Etruria, where he remained as propraetor in the following year, 189. From thence he was sent by the senate into Further Spain, which was decreed to him as a province. (Liv. 34.1; V. Max. 9.1.3; Liv. 35.41, 36.45, 37.2, 50, 57.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Cato the Censor (search)
we are to believe the improbable and unsupported testimony of Aurelius Victor (de Vir. Ill. 47), an insurrection in the island was quelled by Cato, during his praetorship. Cato had now established a reputation for pure morality, and strict old-fashioned virtue. He was looked upon as the living type and representative of the ideal ancient Roman. His very faults bore the impress of national character, and humoured national prejudice. To the advancement of such a man opposition was vain. In B. C. 195, in the 39th year of his age, he was elected consul with his old friend and patron L. Valerius Flaccus. During this consulship a strange scene took place. peculiarly illustrative of Roman manners. In B. C. 215, at the height of the Punic war, a law had been passed on the rogation of the tribune Oppius, that no woman should possess more than half an ounce of gold, nor wear a garment of divers colours, nor drive a carriage with horses at less distance than a mile from the city, except for
Clau'dius 22. C. Claudius App. F. P. N. PULCHER, another son of No. 17 (Fasti Cap.; Liv. 33.44), was made augur in B. C. 195, praetor in 180 (40.37, 42), and consul in 177. The province of Istria fell to his lot. Fearing lest the successes of the consuls of the preceding year might render his presence unnecessary, he set out without performing the regular initiatory ceremonies of the consulship, but soon found himself compelled to return. Having again proceeded to his province with a fresh army, he captured three towns, and reduced the Istrians to subjection. He next marched against the Ligurians, whom he defeated, and celebrated a double triumph at Rome. Having held the comitia, he returned to Liguria and recovered the town of Mutina. (41.10-18 ; Plb. 26.7.) In 171 he served as military tribune under P. Licinius against Perseus. (Liv. 42.49.) In 169 he was censor with Ti. Sempronius Gracchus. Their severity drew down upon them an impeachment from one of the tribunes, but the popular
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