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Aristotle, Politics 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 2, section 1274b (search)
; to Plato,Above, 1-3 community of wives and children and of property, and the common meals for the women, and also the law about drunkenness, enacting that sober persons are to be masters of the drinking-bouts, and the regulation for military training to make men ambidextrous during drill, on the ground that it is a mistake to have one of the two hands useful but the other useless.)There are laws of Draco,Author of the first written code at Athens, 621 B.C. (though in Aristot. Ath. Pol. 4, his legislation is hardly mentioned; he appears there as the framer of the constitution). but he legislated for an existing constitution, and there is nothing peculiar in his laws that is worthy of mention, except their severity in imposing heavy punishment. PittacusOf Mitylene in Lesbos, one of the Seven Sages, dictator 589-579 B.C. also was a framer of laws, but not of a constitution; a special law of his is that if men commit <
Thasians, providing that any inanimate thing which had caused the loss of human life should be cast out of the country. (Paus. 6.11; Suid. s. v. *Ni/kwn.) From Suidas we learn that Dracon died at Aegina, being smothered by the number of hats and cloaks showered upon him as a popular mark of honour in the theatre. (Suid. s. vv. *Dra/kwn, periageiro/menoi; Kuster, ad Suid. s. v. *)Akro/drua.) His legislation is referred by general testimony to the 39th Olympiad, in the fourth year of which (B. C. 621) Clinton is disposed to place it, so as to bring Eusebius into exact agreement with the other authorities on the subject. Of the immediate occasion which led to these laws we have no account. C. F. Hermann (l.c.) and Thirlwall (Greece, vol. ii. p. 18) are of opinion, that the people demanded a written code to replace the mere customary law, of which the Eupatridae were the sole expounders; and that the latter unable to resist the demand, gladly sanctione the rigorous enactments of Dracon a
x and biblos united them; transverse beams were laid on the ropes; planks on the beams; soil on the planks; and the armies crossed thereon. Cords and posts at the sides afforded some degree of protection. How many bridges were built by Pyrrhus in his expeditions, history does not inform us; but the bridges in his Italian campaigns, about 280 B. C., over the streams emptying into the Adriatic, are mentioned by the Greek historians. The first bridge in Rome was built across the Tiber, 621 B. C., by Ancus Martius, uniting the Janiculum and Mons Aventinus, and was memorable for its defence by Horatius Cocles against Lars Porsenna the Etruscan, about 508 B. C.; also as the spot whence the body of Heliogabalus was cast into the Tiber, a stone about his neck, about A. D. 218. It was called the Pons Sublicius, from its having been built upon stakes, or piles. The original bridge was built about the time of Josiah, king of Judah, and a few years previous to Nebuchadnezzar. The Pont