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From the South. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 1, --In the Georgia Legislature to-day, Mr. Sprayberry, of Catoosa, moved an amendment to the Retaliatory bill, as follows, And whereas, a compact broken by one party is no longer binding, politically, socially, legally or morally upon other parties to it; and whereas, in the opinion of this General Assembly, the States considerate in it have grossly violated the compact of Union by refusing to deliver up fugitives: Been enacted that t of this State, where States or citizens of States who refuse our constitutional are parties, or otherwise concerned. Mr. Sprayberry's amendment was lost — ayes 96, noes 89. The Retaliatory bill, however, passed the House. Mobile, Dec. 1, --A large secession meeting was held here last night. John Bragg, Judge Dargan, Geo. O. Ketchum and H. G. Humphreys were unanimously nominated as delegates to the State Convention. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 3. --Mr. Holt, of
Baltimore, Dec. 5. --Arrived, schr. Mignonette, Richmond. Cleared, brig Virginia, Richmond. Newark, Dec. 1.--Arrived, schr. Magellan, Norfolk. Fall River, Dec. 3.--Arrived, schr. Susan and Mary, Norfolk. New York, Dec. 4.--Arrived, schr. Wythe, Richmond, Dec. 5.--Arrived, schr, Jamestown, Latourette, Richmond.
"Old Uncle Billy" Gooding, 94 years old, who had never seen a railroad, though living in sound of the whistle, died in Fairfax county, Va., last week. The Boston Courtier says that Senator Sumner is writing letters to his abolition friends there counselling against the repeal of the Personal Liberty laws. The steamer St. Louis, from New York, was off Pernambuco, December 10, bound to Rio Janeiro. Lady Franklin was a passenger on board. The Buffalo Express says it is fast becoming fashionable in that city for ladies to wear the Balmoral without any dress over it. Ole Bull is at home, or pretty near home, in Sweden, giving concerts that excite as great enthusiasm as nearly twenty years ago. Through the influence of the Emperor and Empress, shops in Paris are now shut on Sunday to a great extent. Jos. N. Cahill and James D. Wright, of Va., have been promoted to the rank of 2d Assistant Engineers, U. S. N. The Daily Banner, a newspaper at Raleigh
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
d322,549.39337,455.84 Profits of the Institution since 1st December at the Branches9,685.9812,758.02 Due to other Banks188n Bills of Exchange payable out of the State1,031,491.26 1st Dec.--Foreign Bills of Exchange payable out of the State915,00.00 Doubtful Debts43,973.57 1st Nov.--Specie413,023.25 1st Dec.--Specie403,012.16 1st Jan.--Specie376,355.54 1st Nov.--Circulation989,639.83 1st Dec.--Circulation981,639.83 1st Jan.--Circulation1,058,228.83 Notes of other Banks: In the Sta03,359.67 219,189.72 1st Nov.--Deposits1,332,566.61 1st Dec.--Deposits1,443,151.72 1st Jan.--Deposits1,545,968.64 1st Nov.--Loans to Directors 94,630.60 1st Dec.--Loans to Directors 101,607.90 Jan.--Loans to Directors 103,836.82 Dividendate. 1st Nov.--Aggregate Debt due by B'k 2,560,551.23 1st Dec.-- Aggregate Debt due by B'k 2,586,747.85 1st Jan.--Aggreggregate of Outstanding Debt due to the Bank4,667,291.12 1st Dec.--Aggregate of Outstanding Debt due to the Bank4,619,062.2
ther Banks in this State7,295.00365.00 Notes of other Banks out of this State215.00210.00 Cash Items23.03460.37 $475,359.18$449,282.06 Capital Stock$300,000.00$300,000.00 Circulation Bank of Kanawha, 5s, 10s, 20s3,215.004,370.00 Bank of this Bank, 5s125,847.50110,785.00 Deposits30,972.5215,257.64 interest, Discounts and Exchange4,454.407,927.99 State Tax58.5000.00 Surplus Fund223.4600.00 due to Banks and Bankers10,584.7410,941.43 $475,359.13$449,282.00 Nov. 1.Dec. 1.Jan. 1. Aggregate Debt due to the Bank$362,030.60$362,428.15$360,201.53 Aggregate Debt due by Bank175,010.62165,756.60170,678.28 Inland Bills of Exchange5,778.757,263.526,688.52 Foreign Bills of Exchange167,935.49159,720.16155,728.66 Circulation147,387.50186,392.50129,062.50 Deposits25,816.9224,806.9330,972.54 Loans to Directors2,650.003,650.004,450.00 Exchange bought for the quarter600.0012,440.19½ to 5 per ct. Exchange sold for the quarter13,228.98at 1 to 5 per ct. The unders
ulation25,210.00208,145.00 Deposits39,237.6438,089.26 due to other Banks1,976.345,206.25 Surpins and Contingent Fund7,431.7119,1#6.69 Fronts of the institution16,719.9714,914.04 in transit000.00000.00 $619,605.06$380,520.58 Dealings in Exchange last Quarter. 1860.1861. amount purchased$141,714.68$57,288.31 Premium paid173.08332.08 amount sold272,908.50110,495.73 Premium received941.86763.51 on the first of each month embraced in the last Quarter: Oct. 1.Nov. 1.Dec. 1. Debt due by this Bank$286,051.50$277,151.31$207,819.11 Debt due to this Bank534,828.99582,327.46524,581.46 On hand, discounted Inland bills15,502.5022,850.3317,067.07 On hand, discounted Foreign bills298,897.52846,274.63333,112.10 Loan to Directors450.003,450.003,450.00 Specie74,758.1747,370.5723,270.77 Circulation222,105.00193,530.00172,480.00 Deposit34,060.1231,843.9530,883.58 Surplus Fund19,166.09 Profit and Loss14,914.04 34,080.15 Deduct Dividend four per cent, payable Jan.
estimony of Mr. Russell shows that they were not all delivered at one time, but that three hundred and thirty-three were transferred to him on the 13th of December--nearly two weeks subsequent to the date of Mr. Bailey's confession. The only satisfactory explanation that can be given of this noticeable discrepancy is the supposition that the statement was actually prepared on the day it was given to Mr. Wagner, and the day the last bonds were delivered to Mr. Russell, and dated wrongfully "Dec. 1st," to allay any suspicion that might be excited if it were seen that the date of the abstraction was identical with the date of the last acceptance which was issued by the War Department, for the purpose, as your Committee think, of making up a definite amount of securities. How the bonds were disposed of. From the testimony there procured, it was apparent that the bonds had been disposed of by Mr. Russell and his agent, and that Mr. Russell did not have it in his power to restore a
cast over Virginia, and the whole Union, by the political troubles of the day. He hoped daylight was ahead, and that the Commonwealth would soon be relieved of these troubles, and that a speedy restoration would take place, providing our hopes from the efforts of the Peace Congress prevailed.--This being so, he predicted a rapid advance in State securities, but until then it was proper to pass this bill. At the same time, it was just to-other works that they should not be suspended until 1st December next. Mr. Haymond opposed the striking out. Mr. Rivers moved the indefinite postponement of the bill. Mr. Caperton fully showed the advantage that would result from the passage of the bill, and, on motion of Mr. Martin, of Henry, the bill was laid on the table, to be called up to-morrow, to enable the friends of other works to suggest such amendments as might satisfy all parties interested. James River and Kanawha Canal.--The House proceeded to consider, on motion of Mr. Hunt,
mbly; for the incorporation of the Home Mining and Manufacturing Company; for the relief of the securities of Ruse Browning, Sheriff of Logan county. Resolutions of Inquiry.--By Mr. Greever, to reassess the lands of the estate of William King, dec'd, and Thomas L. Preston, lying in the counties of Smyth and Washington; by Mr. Quesenberry, of authorizing the Auditor to allow Sheriffs who were delinquents in the payment of the revenue of their respective counties and cities, on the 15th day of December last, their forfeited commissions, provided such Sheriffs shall have paid such delinquencies as well as the entire amount of revenue of such counties and cities on or before the 15th March inst. Election of Major and Brigadier Generals.--Mr. Newman proposed the following joint resolution, which lays over one day, under the rules: Resolved, That with the concurrence of the House of Delegates, we will, on Monday, the 11th inst., proceed to the election of Major Generals and Br
The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1861., [Electronic resource], The intended evacuation of Fort Sumter. (search)
Nov. 1, Bills Discounted, payable at Bank and Branches778,142 93 Dec. 1, Bills Discounted, payable at Bank and Branches778,000 92 Jan. 1, ,123 47 Nov. 1, Bills Discounted, payable out of State928,153 01 Dec. 1, Bills Discounted, payable out of State937,818 59 Jan. 1, Bills Diad Debts000 00 Doubtful Debts47,401 25 Nov. 1, Specie329,097 41 Dec. 1, Specie244,573 23 Jan. 1, Specie282,390 54 Nov. 1, Circulation1,424,862 00 Dec. 1, Circulation1,367,962 00 Jan. 1, Circulation1,834,253 00 Nov. 1, Notes of Virginia Banks12,890 00 Dec. 1, Notes of VirgiDec. 1, Notes of Virginia Banks14,133 00 Jan. 1, Notes of Virginia Banks8,408 00 Nov. 1, Notes of other Banks and Checks96,086 23 Dec. 1, Notes of other Banks aDec. 1, Notes of other Banks and Checks101,985 25 Jan. 1, Notes of other Banks and Checks81,531 54 Exchange bought and sold from par to 1 per cent gain2,938 66 Continge46,545 92 Deposits417,381 06 Nov. 1, Loan to Directors17,525 00 Dec. 1, Loan to Directors19,000 00 Jan. 1, Loan to Directors21,075 00 Ag
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