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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 28: devastation of the country. (search)
my had a guard at the further end, the bridge was fired at the end next us, and so destroyed that it could not be used by the enemy. Receiving orders from General Lee to move back to my camp, I did so at three o'clock in the morning, after having sent off Graham's and Dance's batteries. The loss in my division in this affair was 5 killed, 35 wounded, and 1593 missing, making a total of 1630. The loss in Green's battery was 1 killed and 41 missing, total 42, making the loss altogether 1672, besides the four guns and the small arms. The killed are those who were known to be killed, and the wounded were those who got off. Doubtless there were a number killed and wounded who were put down in the missing, but the enemy came up to the works firing but very little, and therefore the loss in that respect was comparatively slight. Nearly three hundred of Hays' officers and men, between one hundred and one hundred and fifty from the three regiments under Godwin, and twenty men of G
n the question, whether the use of any considerable water was necessary fully to convert a confessed sinner into a Christian, and constitute him a member of the Church of God. The Anabaptists were also banished, and Quakers were prohibited from coming in under a penalty of one hundred pounds, which the person who brought them must pay, and carry them back besides. And if a Quaker was found there not coming by sea, he was to be punished by death. Colonial Laws of Massachusetts, edition of 1672, pp 60-61. Indeed, the distinction between the two colonies was that during all this time freedom from religious persecution found its home in New Hampshire. So well was this understood in the mother country, that New Hampshire was largely settled by the cadets of good Episcopalian families, and loyalty to the royal government was so substantially maintained therein that when, under Charles II., the monarchy was restored, while Puritan Massachusetts shielded Goff and Whalley, the regicid
ayhew1636. Benjamin Crisp1636. James Garrett1637. John Smith1638. Richard Cooke1640. Josiah Dawstin1641. ----Dix1641. Ri. Dexter1644. William Sargent1648. James Goodnow1650. John Martin1650. Edward Convers1650. Goulden Moore1654. Robert Burden1655. Richard Russell1656. Thos. Shephard1657. Thos. Danforth1658. Thomas Greene1659. James Pemberton1659. Joseph Hills1662. Jonathan Wade1668. Edward Collins1669. John Call1669. Daniel Deane1669. Samuel Hayward1670. Caleb Brooks1672. Daniel Markham1675. John Whitmore1678. John Greenland1678. Daniel Woodward1679. Isaac Fox1679. Stephen Willis1680. Thomas Willis1680. John Hall1680. Gersham Swan1684. Joseph Angier1684. John Bradshaw1685. Stephen Francis1685. Peter Tufts1686. Jonathan Tufts1690. John Tufts1690. Simon Bradstreet1695. The following owned lands in Medford before 1680:-- William Dady.Increase Nowell. Rob. Broadick.Zachary Symmes. Mrs. Anne Higginson.John Betts. Caleb Hobart.Jotham Gib
teen,--which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them, then shall his father and mother, being his natural parents, lay hold on him, and bring him to the magistrates assembled in court, and testify unto them, by sufficient evidence, that this their son is stubborn and rebellious, and will not obey their voice and chastisement, but lives in sundry notorious crimes. Such a son shall be put to death. 1672 : Our ancestors had the gag and ducking-stool for female scolds. Such persons were to be gagged, or set in a ducking-stool, and dipped over head and ears three times, in some convenient place of flesh or salt water, as the court judge meet. Down in the deep the stool descends: But here, at first, we miss our ends. She mounts again, and ages more Than ever vixen did before. So throwing water on the fire Will make it but burn up the higher. If so, my friend, pray let her take A second turn
of Albree. We can trace this Medford family to Nassau, in the Island of New Providence, the capital of the Bahamas. In 1672, the English government sent Mr. Collingworth to superintend the settlement of that island and its chief city by Englishmewere--  1-2Joshua, b. freeman, 1652; m. Han. Mason, of Watertown.  3Caleb, b. 1632; freeman, 1654.  4Gershom, freeman, 1672; m. Hannah Eckles.  5Mary, m. Tim. Wheeler, of Concord. (According to Mr. Shattuck, probably others.) 1-3CALEB Brooks b. Jan. 1, 1713.  3Aaron, b. Apr. 16, 1717.  4Thomas, b. Feb. 20, 1719.   William Patten d. Sept. 7, 1741, aged 69; b. 1672.  5William Patten m. Anna Seccomb, Nov. 17, 1727, and had--  5-6George, b. Sept. 4, 1729; d. aged 3 mos.  7Lucy, b. Decns from North Yarmouth, and remained at Dorchester some years. Freeman 1678; d. Nov. 7, 1724. Children:--  2-5Isaac, b. 1672.  6----, a dau., m. Amos Stevens.  7Jemima, b. 1692; d. Nov. 9, 1709.  8Samuel, of Freetown.  9Jacob, of Bost
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bacon, Nathaniel, 1642- (search)
Bacon, Nathaniel, 1642- Patriot; born in Suffolk, England, Jan. 2, 1642. He was educated at the Inns of Court. London: came to America with a considerable fortune in 1670; settled in Gloucester county. Va., and owned a large estate high up on the James River. A lawyer by profession and eloquent in speech, he easily exercised great influence over the people. He became a member of the council in 1672. He was a republican in sentiment; and. strongly opposing the views and public conduct of Governor Berkeley, the stanch loyalist. he stirred up the people to rebellion. Berkeley, who was very popular at first, had become tyrannical and oppressive as an uncompromising royalist and rigorous executor of his royal master's will. At the same time republicanism had begun a vigorous growth among the people of Virginia; but it was repressed somewhat by a majority of royalists in the House of Burgesses; and the council were as pliant tools of Berkeley as any courtiers who paid homage to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Catawba Indians, (search)
Catawba Indians, One of the eight Indian nations of North America discovered by the Europeans in the seventeenth century, when they had 1,500 warriors. They occupied the region between the Yadkin and Catawba rivers, on each side of the boundary-line between North and South Carolina. They were southward of the Tuscaroras, and were generally on good terms with them. They were brave, but not warlike, and generally acted on the defensive. In 1672 they expelled the fugitive Shawnees; but their country was desolated by bands of the Five Nations in 1701. They assisted the Carolinians against the Tuscaroras and their confederates in 1711; but four years afterwards they joined the powerful league of the Southern Indians in endeavors to extirpate the white people. A long and virulent war was carried on between them and the Iroquois. The English endeavored to bring peace between them, and succeeded. When, in 1751, William Bull, commissioner for South Carolina, attended a convention a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Courcelles, Daniel De remi, Seigneur De (search)
Courcelles, Daniel De remi, Seigneur De French governor of Canada; arrived there in 1665 with a regiment of soldiers and many families, with horses (the first ever seen in Canada), cattle, and sheep. To prevent the irruptions of the Five Nations by way of Lake Champlain, he projected a series of forts between that lake and the mouth of the Richelieu, or Sorel, its outlet. Forced by ill-health to return to France in 1672, his plans were carried out by his successor, Frontenac.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dablon, Claude, 1618-1697 (search)
Dablon, Claude, 1618-1697 Jesuit missionary; born in Dieppe, France, in 1618; began a mission to the Onondaga Indians in New York in 1655, and six years afterwards he accompanied Druillettes in an overland journey to the Hudson Bay region. In 1668 he went with Marquette to Lake Superior, and in 1670 was appointed superior of the missions of the Upper Lakes. He prepared the Relations concerning New France for 1671-72, and also a narrative of Marquette's journey, published in John Gilmary Shea's Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi Valley (1853). He died in Quebec, Canada, Sept. 20; 1697.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fox, George 1624-1691 (search)
eased him, but declared his doctrines were salutary, and he afterwards protected him from persecution; but after the Restoration he and his followers were dreadfully persecuted by the Stuarts. He married the widow of a Welsh judge in 1669, and in 1672 he came to America, and preached in Maryland, Long Island, and New Jersey, visiting Friends wherever they were seated. Fox afterwards visited Holland and parts of Germany. His writings upon the subject of his peculiar doctrine—that the light of Christ within is given by God as a gift of salvation —occupied, when first published, 3 folio volumes. He died in London, Jan. 13, 1691. When the founder of the Society of Friends visited New England in 1672, being more discreet than others of his sect, he went only to Rhode Island, avoiding Connecticut and Massachusetts. Roger Williams, who denied the pretensions to spiritual enlightenment, challenged Fox to disputation. Before the challenge was received, Fox had departed, but three of hi
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